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Opening Keynote – Values Have No Borders – Mark Allin

Mark Allin
President & CEO, John Wiley & Sons

Friends, Foes or Frenemies? – Rick Anderson

Rick Anderson
Associate Dean, University of Utah and President of SSP

Workshop B Feedback

Felix Evert
Managing Director, Sample of Science

Are we ready for a Scholarly Commons?

Maryann Martone, Fiona Murphy, Bianca Kramer, Jeroen Boseman, Daniel O’Donnel, Ian Bruno, Chris Chapman, Bastien Greshake, Robin Champieux, and Nate Jacobs

Closing panel


Who or what are universities for: Reflections on the communication & use of science- Lesley McAra

Lesley McAra
Director of Edinburg

Knowledge Sharing and the Commons

Kaitlin Thaney
Creative Commons
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Update on the Chicago Collaborative – Bringing the Stakeholders Together

T. Scott Plutchak
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Mobile Publishing at NEJM

Kent Anderson
New England Journal of Medicine
Play (27min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Building Blocks of the future Scholarly Web: Beyond and far beyond

Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann
Play (27min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Article Level Metrics – What We Don’t Know We Don’t Know

Gregg Gordon
Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY
Play (21min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Scholarship in the Age of Immediacy

Christopher Winship
Professor, Harvard University and Editor, Sage Publications
Play (18min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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MaDAM: A Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at the University of Manchester

June Finch
University of Manchester
Play (22min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Breakout Session on Centralized Payment Mechanisms for OA Publishing Costs

Matt Cockerill
Managing Director of BioMed Central
Play (11min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3

Everybody loves a happy ending: are we looking at a happy end to print purchasing?

Steve Sharp
Leeds University Library
Play (22min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Social media at the OECD: Throwing caution to the winds, a bit

Patrick Love
Senior Editor, OECD Publishing
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Disciplinary practices and different content I

Toby Green
Head of Publishing, OECD
Play (30min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Dr. Bill Town
Kilmorie Consulting
Play (31min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Introduction and CrossRef Overview

Ed Pentz
Executive Director
Play (15min) Download: MP4| MP3

‘Lead’ or ‘lead’ – improving the quality of semantic enrichment

Jeremy Macdonald
Associate Director, Platform Development, Nature Publishing Group
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Utopia Documents

Adam Marshall
Portland Press
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Publishing in BioMed Central’s journals

Ruth King
Journal Publisher, BioMed Central
Play (32min) Download: MP4 | MP3

What Academic Publishing can Do fo Science

Prof. Dr. J.J. (Jos) Engelen
President, Governing Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), The Hague
Play (11min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Mendeley: Building the World’s largest Semantic Research Database – from Scratch!

Victor Henning
Co-founder and CEO, Mendeley, London
Play (19min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Comparing scientific discourse annotation schemes for enhanced knowledge extraction

Anita de Waard, Paul Thompson, Maria Liakata, Raheel Nawaz and Sophia Ananiadou
Play (15min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Access to scholarly content: gaps and barriers to access (key findings)

Ian Rowlands
CIBER Research Group, University College London

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Current and future challenges in China: What’s an STM publisher to do?

Steve Miron
Senior Vice President, STM & Scholarly Division, John Wiley & Sons

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Independent Scholarly Publishers Group: A Case Study

Thomas Taylor
Dragonfly Sales and Marketing Consulting

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Routes to the digital marketplace: Tune up your ebook data to drive discoverability and distribution success

Susie Stroud1, Peter Balis2, Gina McCue3, Heather Reid4
1Baker & Taylor Digital Media Services, 2John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 3Credo Reference, 4Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

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What is Usability & Why is it Important?

Andrea Kravetz

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Concurrent 2A: Roads to the Digital Marketplace

Panel #2: Incentives – “What’s in it for us?”

Morning Keynote from the European Commission

Francesco Fusaro

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Making the most of our data: a researcher’s view of publishing

Jonathan Goodman
Reader in Chemistry, University of Cambridge

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The “social” side of digital science

Kaitlin Thaney
Manager, External Partnerships Digital Science

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Keynote 2: From E-phobia to E-phoria

Richard Charkin
Executive Director, Bloomsbury

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Evolution or Revolution: Changes in Peer Review

Adrian Mulligan
Deputy Director, Research and Academic Relations, Elsevier

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Engineers in the Cloud

Dr Christoph Best

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The Currency of Data: A researcher perspective of integrating data and publication

Dr Max Wilkinson
British Library

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CrossMark Update

Evan Owens
American Institute of Physics

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To Outsource or not to Outsource? Tips and tools for the society publisher

Caitlin Meadows
Publishing Services Director, Charlesworth Group

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The Book Will Never Die

Thijs Willems

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ODE: Opportunities for Data Exchange – A Publisher Viewpoint on the Changes ahead

Drs Eefke Smit
Director, STM, Amsterdam

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ORCID: Unique Identifiers for Authors and Contributors

Martin Fenner
Hannover Medical School, ORCID

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The emotional consequences of the idealisation of the elderly married academic librarian (male) by the elderly unmarried academic librarian (female) – a study

Stephen Buck
Dublin City University

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HighWire Press

Thomas Rump
Managing Director, HighWire Press

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Developing Applications for Elsevier’s SciVerse Platform, Developer Perspective

Thomas Taylor
Director of Product Development, INFOTECH Soft

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Case Study: Targeting Individual Users

Cynthia Bowab
The New England Journal of Medicine

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Results from the DOAB user needs study

Janneke Adema
Directory of Open Access Books

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Open by default: Applying the right license to research data in open access journals

Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
BioMed Central

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The data-driven collection: Evidence-based collection development – how to use Big Data to optimise your collection

Maxim van Gisbergen
Manager, Business Development, Swets

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CrossRef 2012 workshop Books Interest Group

Mike Eden
Cambridge University Press

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Keynote Presentation: The hows, whys and wherefores of open access production

Natasha Mellins-Cohen
Head of Publishing Operations, BioMed Central

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A new metric for journal impact: Usage Factor

Peter Shepherd
Director COUNTER

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CC-BY: Experiences from biological and medical publishing

Matthew Cockerill
Managing Director, BioMed Central

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How to make Sharing easy for Researchers, will Publishers become redundant?

Dr Victor Henning
Mendeley Ltd., London

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Invited Overviews – Q & A

Dr H. Frederick Dylla, Dr John Vaughn, and Michael Mabe

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Beyond Traditional Articles – Richard Price

Richard Price

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Springer and future (business) models

Wim van der Stelt

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FACT Seminar No.2 – Welcome

Graham Taylor
The Long Game

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Lean & Agile: what publishing can learn from startups

Rachel Willmer

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Mark Hahnel
Figshare, Founder

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Opening Keynote

Salvatore Mele
CERN, Head of Open Access

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Open Access-views from the (SSAH) Learned Society and Author Perspective

Victoria Gardner

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Semantic Analytics

Jake Zarnegar

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Howard Ratner

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Susan King: Public Access – Policies, Implementation, Developments and the future of US published research

Susan King
Senior Vice President, Journals Publishing Group, American Chemical Society and member of the CHORUS Steering Committee

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DTD Analyzer: A tool for analyzing and manipulating DTDs

Demian Hess
Avalon Consulting, LLC

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What JATS Users should Know about the Book Interchange Tag Suite (BITS)

Jeffrey Beck

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Session Three: Publishing – what are the new creative rules?

Jo Young, Rachel Willmer, Jenny Todd, Cory Doctorow

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Keynote: A financial analyst’s perspective on open access

Claudio Aspesi
Sanford Bernstein

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System Update

Chuck Koscher
Director of Technology

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Reports and How to Use Them

Patricia Feeney
Product Support Manager

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Geek Out – Research on the Web

Paul Groth

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JATS for Ejournals and BITS for Ebooks—Adopting BITS for Scholars Portal Ebook Repository

Wei Zhao, Ravit H. David, Sadia Khwaja and Qinqin Lin
OCUL—Scholars Portal

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The Future is Open: Education in the digital age

Steve Wheeler
Professor of Learning Technologies, Plymouth University

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Altmetrics & the Feedback Loop: Action, Information, Reaction

David A.Crotty
Ph.D., Senior Editor, Oxford University Press

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The RMap Project: Linking the Products of Research and Scholarly Communication

Tim DiLauro
Digital Library Architect, Johns Hopkins Sheridans Libraries

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Glenn Collins

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DDA, DRM, ILL – Oh My! Building a Better eBook Model-Business Strategy

Kathy Masnik

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Opening Remarks by SSP President Howard Ratner…

Howard Ratner

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APIs in Scholarly Publishing – It’s a Marketing Thing-MARKETING/PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT

Gordon Tibbits

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New Tools and Workflows for Manuscript Submission and Peer Review

Bert Carelli

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Reflections on Leadership and Success-Intro

Howard Ratner

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The Challenges of Compliance Lessons from across the pond

Rob Johnson

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The Future of Scholarly Communication…Discussion

Maeg Keane, Pat Weitzel, Katy Meert, Nick Dials, Ashley Ketelhut

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Freedom APCs, an experimental model making Open Access publishing affordable to all

Bryan Vickery
Cogent OA

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IOPP and offsetting

Steve Hall
IOP Publishing

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Money, Money, Money (Robert C. Campbell)

Robert C. Campbell (Chair)
Guest of Honour, Oxford

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Reputation: New Ways of Building, Showcasing and Measuring Scholarly Reputation in the Digital Age

Prof. Dr. David Nicholas
CIBER Research Ltd., Newbury

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Panel discussion: Wanted – an Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication

Ginny Hendricks, Dr. Daniel Hook, Klaus Zinoecker, Alicia Wise, Matthias Razum, Geoffrey Bilder

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The Unseen Costs of Peer Review – Why peer review can never be free (even if your paper is perfect)

Alice Ellingham Download slides Director, Editorial Office Ltd

Keynote talk: Structural disruptions in the reward system of science

Cassidy Sugimoto Associate Professor, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Bloomington

Peer review after results are known: Are we “parking” the cart before the horse?

Erick Turner Oregon Health & Science University

Introduction to the Concurrent session: Altmetrics and my career: real barriers or limitations of our minds?

Co-chairs: Stacy Konkiel and Robin Champieux

Data Publishing and Institutional Repositories

Varsha Kodiyar Data Curation Editor, Scientific Data , Nature Publishing Group

Jatdown: a markdown language for writing JATS

Paul Johnston

Coasp 2016 – Q&A – Panel 1 – Technology and Innovation


Open access and cancer research

Katie Foxall
Head of Publishing, ecancer

Q & A: Lightning presentations, part 1


Open Access Publishing in Chemistry: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. Emma Wilson
Director of Publishing, Royal Society of Chemistry, London

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