IPC 2007

IPC 2007
September 1–3, 2007
University of Plymouth
The 16th International Panorama Conference (IPC) held at the Sherwell Centre, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. This three–day conference focuses on the exploration of old techniques and new techniques in panorama creation and exhibition.

Panorama from Rotterdam to the sea

Ronald Huynen
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Play (9min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Barker’s View of Plymouth and other early Topographical and Naval Panoramas

David Robinson
Bath, UK
Play (25min) Download: MOV | MP3

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A Time Travelling Panorama: The Battle of Trafalgar in a Robinson Crusoe Pantomime

Mimi Colligan
East Brighton, Australia
Play (22min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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In the Style of Daguerre: Two 19th C. American Showmen and Travelling Exhibitions of Chemical Dioramas

Suzanne Wray
New York, USA
Play (35min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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From London to Paris: A newly discovered Moving Toy Panorama

Ralph Hyde
London, UK
Play (27min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Effulgence of the North: An Arctic Panorama on View at the Velaslavasay Panorama in Los Angeles

Sara Velas
California, USA
Play (28min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Panoramas Down Under: Australian Panoramic Works in Progress

Jeffrey Morgan
Hawker, Australia
Play (36min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Trafalgar to Trafalgar: Journeys through time

Ian Wood
Devon, Britain
Play (4min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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The Panoramic Collections Viewer

Martin Woolner
University of Plymouth, UK
Play (21min) Download:  MOV | MP3

Taking the panoramic image beyond the computer screen: how modern techniques can bring new awe to old tricks

Aldo Hoeben
* Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ** Devon, Britain
Play (37min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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An introduction to panoramic photography

Aldo Hoeben* and Ian Wood**
* Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ** Devon, Britain
Play (96min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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