XML Prague 2009

XML Prague 2009
March 21–22, 2009
Prague, Czech Republic
XML Prague 2009 held at Charles University in the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic. It is a conference on XML for developers, markup geeks, information managers, and students. In its 4th year, XML Prague focuses on emerging trends in core XML technologies and their application in the real world.

FunctX: A case study in end-to-end processing of XML

Priscilla Walmsley
Play (35min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Full validation of Atom feeds containing extensions using NVDL

Murata Makoto
Play (41min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Exploring XProc

Norman Walsh
Play (56min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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High-performance XML: theory and practice

Alex Brown
Play (32min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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A practical introduction to EXSLT 2.0

Florent Georges
Play (19min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Practical Reuse in XML

Ari Nordström
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Testing XSLT

Tony Graham
Menteith Consulting Ltd
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Designing XML/Web Languages: A Review of Common Mistakes

Robin Berjon
Play (33min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Optimizing XML Content Delivery with XProc

Vojtěch Toman
EMC Corporation
Play (28min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Advanced Automated Authoring with XML

Petr Nálevka
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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oXygen XML Editor demo

George Cristian Bina
Play (43min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Introduction to Code List Implementation

G. Ken Holman
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Play (50min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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XML Schema moves forward

Michael Kay
Play (60min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Xdefinition 2.1

Václav Trojan
Play (43min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Test XSLT with XSpec

Jeni Tennison
Jeni Tennison Consulting
Play (34min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Imagining, building and using an XSLT virtual machine

Mark Howe & Tony Graham
Play (28min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Cool mobile apps with SVG and other Web technologies

Robin Berjon
Play (27min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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