LGM 2011

LGM 2011
May 10-13, 2011
Libre and Open Source graphics software have met May 10-13 in Montreal at the sixth annual Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM).

Table of Contents

  1. Laidout and Strange Interfaces
  2. Hypermedia and the Annihilation of Time and Space
  3. Maio nosso Maio
  4. Open Colour Standard: Dissipating the vapour
  5. Toonloop: animation for live performances
  1. Towards an Document Object Model (DOM) for Scribus
  2. Quick and Dirty Usability: Leveraging Google Suggest to Instantly Know Your Users
  3. Better and faster image resizing and resampling
  4. In situ animation with Toonloop
  5. Pinpoint – A tool for making hackers do excellent presentations
  6. Know-How to Share: Beyond Software and Arts
  7. Plain Text: Graphic Design and Programming Culture
  8. Connecting Device Calibration to ICC Profiles
  9. Making color management “just work” using colord
  10. Using Blender for Patent Absurdity / advocacy animations
  11. Future Tools: The Libre Graphics Research Unit
  12. Krita: Professional Digital Painting
  13. Comic book drawing with Krita
  14. Unleashing the Power of Inkscape to Create and Share
  15. Crafting an Open Font Stack
  16. Free Documentation on Floss World
  17. PiTiVi and the state of GStreamer video editing
  18. Open Mind, Literally: Teaching Free Culture As A Life Goal, Brain Surgery, and A Networked Path to Recovery
  19. Data Viz: Open Source and Sources
  20. Tau Meta Tau Physica – Open Source Digital Pattern Making software
  21. Open Publishing with PressBooks
  22. MyPaint – the past, the present, and the future
  23. Free Graphics Programming, experiences & thoughts
  24. Instant VIPSMagick
  25. DeviantArt: Creating Community Around Creativity
  26. Laying out democracy
  27. How to make SVG speak spot color language
  28. Generative typesetting with Context
  29. Selected Phython Scripts for Scribus
  30. Libre Graphics magazine: A year of fantastic
  31. Revivalism: open font conversion and other great awakenings
  32. Introducing AdaptableGIMP
  33. Print: The Final Frontier
  34. Easy multi-projector desktop using Lighttwist compiz plugin

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Towards an Document Object Model (DOM) for Scribus

PiTiVi and the state of GStreamer video editing

Jean-François Fortin Tam

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Print: The Final Frontier

Jon A. Cruz

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Quick and Dirty Usability: Leveraging Google Suggest to Instantly Know Your Users

Open Mind, Literally: Teaching Free Culture As A Life Goal, Brain Surgery, and A Networked Path to Recovery

Easy multi-projector desktop using Lighttwist compiz plugin

Sébastien Roy & Louis Bouchard
Département d’Informatique et de recherche opérationnelle Université de Montréal

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Better and faster image resizing and resampling

Nicolas Robidoux, John Cupitt, Chantal Racette, Anthony Thyssen, Adam Turcotte, Frederick (Fred) Weinhaus

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Data Viz: Open Source and Sources

In situ animation with Toonloop

Alexandre Quessy

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Tau Meta Tau Physica – Open Source Digital Pattern Making software

Susan Spencer Conklin

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Pinpoint – A tool for making hackers do excellent presentations

pippin / Øyvind Kolås

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Open Publishing with PressBooks

Hugh McGuire & Christine Prefontaine

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Know-How to Share: Beyond Software and Arts

MyPaint – the past, the present, and the future

Plain Text: Graphic Design and Programming Culture

Free Graphics Programming, experiences & thoughts

Pierre Marchand

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Connecting Device Calibration to ICC Profiles

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

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Instant VIPSMagick

John Cupitt1, Nicolas Robidoux2
1 Imperial College, London, 2 Université Laurentienne, Sudbury ON

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Making color management “just work” using colord

DeviantArt: Creating Community Around Creativity

Deviantart, Michael Halpert

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Using Blender for Patent Absurdity / advocacy animations

Christopher Allan Webber

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Laying out democracy

Ana Carvalho, Ricardo Lafuente

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Future Tools: The Libre Graphics Research Unit

How to make SVG speak spot color language

Louis Desjardins

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Laidout and Strange Interfaces

Krita: Professional Digital Painting

Generative typesetting with Context

John Haltiwanger

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Hypermedia and the Annihilation of Time and Space

Barry Threw

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Comic book drawing with Krita

Selected Phython Scripts for Scribus

Gregory Pittman

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Maio nosso Maio

Farid Abedelnour

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Unleashing the Power of Inkscape to Create and Share

Libre Graphics magazine: A year of fantastic

Ana Carvalho, ginger coons, Ricardo Lafuente

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Open Colour Standard: Dissipating the vapour

ginger coons

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Crafting an Open Font Stack

Christopher Adams

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Revivalism: open font conversion and other great awakenings

Toonloop: animation for live performances

Alexandre Quessy

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Free Documentation on Floss World

Elisa de Castro Guerra

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Introducing AdaptableGIMP

Michael Terry, Ben Lafreniere & Fil Krynicki

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