Free software

Implementing Lightcuts in Blender

Davide Vercelli
Play (57min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Psycosynth demo

Juan Pedro Bolívar Puente
Play (36min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Managing fonts, experimenting with text display

Pierre Marchand
Play (50min) M4V | MP3

Digital Photography with libre Software: RAW, metadata, workflow and asset management

Hubert Figuière
Digital imaging developer, Canada
Play (44min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Scaling up multiprojector immersive displays: the LightTwist project

Sébastien Roy
Université de Montréal
Play (41min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Inkscape v0.47 and Beyond

Jon Cruz
Play (31min) Download: MP4 | MP3


Øyvind Kolås
Play (10min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Elements of Typographic Freedom: Open Sources of Extraordinary Design

Christopher Adams
Play (22min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Blender Foundation, past and future

Ton Roosendaal
Play (20min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Icon Workflows with Inkscape

Jakub Steiner
Play (25min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Connecting Device Calibration to ICC Profiles

Kai-Uwe Behrmann

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Instant VIPSMagick

John Cupitt1, Nicolas Robidoux2
1 Imperial College, London, 2 Université Laurentienne, Sudbury ON

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Presenting case studies in using Blender for Visualisation

Tomas Bartlett
See3D Visualisation Centre, UK
Animation: Pontcysyllte
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Presentation about Phatch – GUI Photo Batch Processor

Play (55min) M4V | MP3

Photo–management under Linux with digiKam

Gilles Caulier
Play (49min) M4V | MP3

General Blender presentation

Martin Poirier
Blender developer, Canada
Play (36min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Why Color Management matters to Open Source and to You

Jon Cruz
Play (36min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Selecting fonts

Pierre Marchand
Play (42min) Download: MP4 | MP3


Dave Crossland
Play (10min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Device Colour Management

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
Play (30min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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How I made a free New Zealand coffee-table book using lots of Free Software

Marcus Holland-Moritz
Play (11min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Generative Node-based Design With NodeBox 2

Frederik De Bleser, Tom De Smedt, Lucas Nijs
Play (30min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Making color management “just work” using colord

DeviantArt: Creating Community Around Creativity

Deviantart, Michael Halpert

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Advanced Blender tips and tricks

Bassam Kurdali, Andy Goralczyk
Play (84min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Presentation about Hugin

Pablo d’ Angelo
Hugin developer
Play (48min) M4V | MP3

Proposal, shared type/text specification for the desktop

Liam Quin
Play (46min) M4V | MP3

Ingimp: An instrumented version of GIMP to automatically collect usability data

Prof. Michael Terry
University of Waterloo, Canada
Play (57min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Scribus: The Official Manual

Gregory Pittman
Play (39min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Open Source and Money: Not Mutually Exclusive

Andrew Waring
Play (38min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Libre/open font community: the challenges

Nicolas Spalinger
Open Font Library
Play (8min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Best practices for designing – releasing – maintaining – packaging open fonts

Nicolas Spalinger
Play (22min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Coding pictures with Shoebot

Ricardo Lafuente
Play (11min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Peter Linnell
Play (17min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Using Blender for Patent Absurdity / advocacy animations

Christopher Allan Webber

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Laying out democracy

Ana Carvalho, Ricardo Lafuente

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Involving children in a school to make a cartoon animation with Blender

Marco Amato
Play (20min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The making of Big Buck Bunny

Andy Goralczyk, Enrico Valenza, William Reynish
Peach open movie team
Play (82min) Download: MP4 | MP3

What is happening with SVG

Chris Lilley
This talk was not recorded but the presentation file is available.
Slides: SVG formatM4V | MP3

Blender for retouching photo

Cédric Gémy
Graphic Designer
Play (40min) M4V | MP3

Krita, its history, current state and goals

Boudewijn Rempt and Cyrille Berger
Krita developers, The Netherlands, France
Play (45min) Download: | MOV | MP3

How to make money with free software

Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

SCOUR: an SVG scrubber

Doug Schepers
Play (7min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Made With Floss

Cedric Gémy
Play (20min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Content centric architecture and distributed versioning

Eric Schrijver
Play (18min) Download:  MP4| MP3

Multi-touch support in Ubuntu

Steve Conklin
Play (11min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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What are you hoping to get out of this conference?

Interviews by Jon Phillips
Play (5min) Download:  MP4| MP3

Future Tools: The Libre Graphics Research Unit

How to make SVG speak spot color language

Louis Desjardins

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ODF import for Blender in an eLearning context

Oliver Schneider
Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Play (42min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Other dimensions between virtual and real: the use of 3D modeling programs and virtual worlds for university education…

Giampiero Moioli
Milano, Italy
Play (45min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Designing with free software

Harrisson, Pierre Huyghebaert, Femke Snelting, Nicolas Malevé
Play (47min) M4V | MP3

Ingimp 1 Year Later: Initial Data Analyses and Lessons Learned

Michael Terry
Play (59min) M4V | MP3

Our first year of graphic design… 100% open source

Alexandre Robin
International Political Science Association
Play (22min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Towards a Collaborative WebOS

Dave Crossland
Play (30min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Kinematic Templates

Richard Fung, Michael Terry
University of Waterloo
Play (16min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Remote talk

Andy Fitzsimon
Play (24min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Another year of Open Source Publishing

Play (5min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Digital photography workflow on Linux with darktable

Alexandre Prokoudine
Play (14min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Laidout and Strange Interfaces

Krita: Professional Digital Painting

Generative typesetting with Context

John Haltiwanger

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Blender 2008: Keynote and conference schedule

Ton Roosendaal
Play (16min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The hero’s hat, real-time streaming 3D for on line film promotion

Manuel Siabato
Toulouse, France
Play (24min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Font Software Freedom

Dave Crossland
Open Font Library
Play (55min) M4V | MP3

Introduction to the Oyranos colour management system

Kai-Uwe Behrmann, Carnecky Tomas
Play (82min) M4V | MP3

The Open Font License, purpose, achievements, future

Dave Crossland, Nicolas Spalinger
Digital Lifestyles consultant and Interaction Design lecturer, UK
Play (33min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Future Directions for Scribus – An Open Discussion

Andreas Vox
Play (41min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Running a business around free software

Dr. Kaveh Bazargan
River Valley Technologies
Play (11min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Welcome to LGM 2010

Louis Desjardin, Femke Snelting
Play (7min) Download:  MP4| MP3

Diffusion Curves in Inkscape vector drawings

Jasper van de Gronde
Play (23min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Plana, publishing illustration and comics with floss

Ana Carvalho
Play (8min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Hypermedia and the Annihilation of Time and Space

Barry Threw

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Comic book drawing with Krita

Selected Phython Scripts for Scribus

Gregory Pittman

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The evolution of Blenders User Interface

William Reynish
3D animator, Denmark
Play (66min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The how and what in teaching Blender

Fabrizio Valpreda, Gianluca Faletti
Play (46min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Extending GEGL with new operations and an introduction to GeglBuffers, the functionality offered by them and their underlying mechanisms

Øyvind Kolås
Play (67min) Download: M4V | MP3

Presenation about DCRaw

Dave Coffin
Play (76min) M4V | MP3

Creating Comics in Inkscape

MenTaLguY*, John Bintz**
* Programmer and graphic artist, USA, ** Web Developer, USA
Play (60min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Libre graphics teaching and certificating

Alessandro Rimoldi
Play (38min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Nona-GPU: Image Remapping on the Graphics Processor

Andrew Mihal
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Extending Python for Speed

Martin Renold
Play (23min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Styling TeX documents with Batch Commander

Ricardo Lafuente
Play (11min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Writing brush engines for fun and profit!

Lukáš Tvrdý
Play (21min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Maio nosso Maio

Farid Abedelnour

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Unleashing the Power of Inkscape to Create and Share

Libre Graphics magazine: A year of fantastic

Ana Carvalho, ginger coons, Ricardo Lafuente

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Human, Time and Landscape – Blender as a content production tool, to convey the atmosphere and changes over time in a small Finnish village

Juho Vepsäläinen
Play (66min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Presentation of “48 hour project” and other work

Jason van Gumster
Handturkey Studios, USA
Play (45min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Natural media simulation: the field, free software and the future

Boudewijn Rempt
Play (45min) M4V | MP3

Wykorzystanie blendera w postprodukcji filmowej i telewizyjnej

Michalem Krupa
Play (43min) M4V | MP3

Photo management and editing with F-Spot and GIMP

Jakub Steiner
GNOME/GIMP developer, Czechia
Play (59min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Creating in the Cloud and Other Tales of Design Realidad

Jon Phillips
Play (42min) Download: MP4 | MP3

VIPS: An image processing system for large, and not so large, images

John Cupitt and Kirk Martinez (authors), Nicolas Robidoux (Presenter)
Université Laurentienne
Play (38min) Download: MP4 | MP3

A first outline for a UI for a fully GEGLed GIMP

Peter Sikking
Play (31min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Google’s Font Initiative

Dave Crossland
Play (12min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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SVG – News and Plans

Doug Schepers, Chris Lilley
Play (30min) Download:  MP4| MP3

Open Colour Standard: Dissipating the vapour

ginger coons

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Crafting an Open Font Stack

Christopher Adams

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