Tag Archive for 'LGM 2007'

Newspaper publishing with Open Source software

Raphaël Meltz
Editor of the French weekly Le Tigre
Play (40min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Opening Talk

Louis Desjardins
Project Scribus, Canada
Play (5min) Download: | MOV | MP3

GEGL – a graph based image processing and compositing engine

Øyvind Kolås
Gjøvik University, GIMP developer, Norway
Play (40min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Why open standards matter: The Open Document Format

Dr. Louis Suarez-Potts
CollabNet, Canada
Play (40min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Creating an Open Movie and production pipeline with free software

Bassam Kurdali
Director of Elephants Dream, Syria/USA
Play (68min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Introduction to the SVG format

Ted Gould
Inkscape developer, USA
Play (34min) Download: | MOV | MP3

An Open Source illustration program for prepress

Igor Novikov
sK1 developer, Ukraine
Play (28min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Project overview and first results from the OpenUsability GIMP redesign project

Peter Sikking, Kamila Giedrojć
Usability experts, GIMP developers, The Netherlands, Poland
Play (49min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Communication design in every language – designing product materials purely in open source

Andy Fitzsimon
Inkscape and Open Clipart developer, Australia
Play (28min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Creating photo-realistic artwork based on photo reference (Inkscape)

Jakub Steiner
GNOME/GIMP developer, Czechia
Play (36min) Download: | MOV | MP3

The Open Content Library: Overview of Open Clip Art Library and ccHost

Jon Phillips
OpenClipart, USA
Play (66min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Scribus: Open Source Desktop Publishing

Peter Linnell
Scribus developer, USA/France
Play (34min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Past, present and future of Scribus’ text-layout features

Andreas Vox
Scribus developer, Germany
Play (40min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Digital Photography with libre Software: RAW, metadata, workflow and asset management

Hubert Figuière
Digital imaging developer, Canada
Play (44min) Download: | MOV | MP3

General Blender presentation

Martin Poirier
Blender developer, Canada
Play (36min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Ingimp: An instrumented version of GIMP to automatically collect usability data

Prof. Michael Terry
University of Waterloo, Canada
Play (57min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Krita, its history, current state and goals

Boudewijn Rempt and Cyrille Berger
Krita developers, The Netherlands, France
Play (45min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Our first year of graphic design… 100% open source

Alexandre Robin
International Political Science Association
Play (22min) Download: | MOV | MP3

The Open Font License, purpose, achievements, future

Dave Crossland, Nicolas Spalinger
Digital Lifestyles consultant and Interaction Design lecturer, UK
Play (33min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Creating Comics in Inkscape

MenTaLguY*, John Bintz**
* Programmer and graphic artist, USA, ** Web Developer, USA
Play (60min) Download: | MOV | MP3

Photo management and editing with F-Spot and GIMP

Jakub Steiner
GNOME/GIMP developer, Czechia
Play (59min) Download: | MOV | MP3