COASP 2013

Datacite 2013
September 18–20, 2013
Riga, Latvia

The 5th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP 2013), held in Riga, Latvia.

OA Advocacy Today

Cameron Neylon

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Technology and Standards for Open Access Publishing

Roy Kaufman
Copyright Clearance Center

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What does the fox say?

Caroline Sutton
Co-Action Publishing

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Open Access policy in the European Research Area and beyond

Daniel Spichtinger
European Commission

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Why and How We as Leaders of the OA Community Should Work Together

Elizabeth Marincola

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Marketing and Communications for OA Journals

Matthew Cockerill

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Hybrid Open Access Cul-de-sac or shortcut towards Open Access?

Falk Reckling

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Kamila Markram

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The role of hybrid journals in open access

Liz Ferguson

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Hybrid Journals at Nature Publishing Group

James Butcher
Nature Publishing Group

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OA in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Eelco Ferwerda

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The University of Adelaide Press

John Emerson
Adelaide University

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Open Access in the Humanities and Social Sciences

David Ross

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Open Access-views from the (SSAH) Learned Society and Author Perspective

Victoria Gardner

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Opening Remarks/OASPA Update

Paul Peters

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OA in HSS (at OUP)

Rhodri Jackson

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OASPA 2013 – Keynote

Lars Bjornshauge

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Technology and Standards

Simon Thomson
Open Access Key

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Open Access in the UK Developments since the Finch Report

Michael Jubb
Research Information Network

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The Open Citations Corpus

David Shotton
Open Citations Corpus

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Developing Open Access Policy Positions for Science Europe

Georg Botz
Science Europe

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Meet OASPA’s Members – MDPI

Dietrich Rordorf

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Making books part of the open access landscape

Cecy Marden
Wellcome Trust

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Ubiquity Press open scholarship

Brian Hole
Ubiquity Press

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Marketing & Communications for open-access journals

Jen McLennan

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Authoring,peer-review and publication in one place,for the first time!

Lyubomir Penev

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