JATS-Con 2015

JATS-Con 2015
April 21-22, 2015

JATS-Con 2015 was held at Lister Hill Center Auditorium, NIH Campus, the Washington D.C.

Creating JATS XML from Japanese language articles and automatic typesetting using XSLT

Hidehiko Nakanishi1, Toshiyuki Naganawa2, Soichi Tokizane3
1Nakanishi Printing Co. Ltd., 2Antenna House, Inc, 3University of Tokyo

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Smoke Screens of Impossibility

Bruce Rosenblum
Inera, Inc.

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Improving the reusability of JATS

Melissa Harrison

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Using BITS for Non-Standard Content

Dana Wheeles

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The Long Road to JATS

Paul Donohoe, Jenny Sherman and Ashwin Mistry
Macmillan Science and Scholarly

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Adapting JATS to support data citation

Daniel Mietchen
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin; NCBI/NLM/NIH

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JATS for Ejournals and BITS for Ebooks—Adopting BITS for Scholars Portal Ebook Repository

Wei Zhao, Ravit H. David, Sadia Khwaja and Qinqin Lin
OCUL—Scholars Portal

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Superimposing Business Rules on JATS

Tommie Usdin, Debbie Lapeyre and Carter Glass
Mulberry Technologies, Inc

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Building an Automated XML-Based Journal Production Workflow

Charles O’Connor, Stephen Haenel, Antony Gnanapiragasam, Michael Hepp and Tina Fleischer
Dartmouth Journal Services

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Collection-meta for JATS

Vincent Lizzi

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Announcing JATS Con-Asia

Soichi Tokiazane

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Turn JATS into container format

Martin Fenner

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Welcome and Introductions

Jeff Beck

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What anthologies most useful

Debbie Lapeyre and Mark Donoghue

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JATS Diversity—A Content Management Perspective

Evan Owens
Cenveo Publisher Services

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The Latest BITS

Jeff Beck

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Automating Complex High-Volume Technical Paper and Journal Article Page Composition with NLM XML and InDesign

Becky Fadik1, Brian Trombley2
1SAE International, 2Data Conversion Laboratory

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Open session NISO

Bruce Rosenblum
Inera, Inc

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The Public Knowledge Project XML Publishing Service and meTypeset: Don’t call it “Yet Another Word to JATS conversion kit”

Alex Garnett1, Juan Pablo Alperin1, John Willinsky2
1Simon Fraser University, 2Stanford University

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ScienceCentral JATS-based full-text database comprising

Sun Huh

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All Aboard! Round-tripping JATS in an HTML-based online CMS and editing platform

Wendell Piez
Piez Consulting Services

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A complete end-to-end publishing system based on JATS

Kaveh Bazargan
River Valley Technologies

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