Science Online London 2011

Solo 2011
September 2-3, 2011
The conference "Science Online London 2011" was held on 2-3 September, 2011, British Library, St. Pancras, London.

We can only include talks for which we have permissions and presentation files. If you are an author or moderator and think your session should be here, please email

Panel #1 : Linking with the Literature – the Arsenic Story

Panel #2: Incentives – “What’s in it for us?”

National Undergraduate Bioscience Research Journal

Neil Morris, Cathy Kennedy

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Science Question Time – bringing policy to Science Online

Imran Khan, Alice Bell, Beck Smith

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Bridging the divide: Building around the PDF

Steve Pettifer, Philip McDermott

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Welcome: Science Online London 2011

Keynote – SOLO 2011

Michael Nielsen
Open Science

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