Ebooks 2014

Ebooks 2014
May 8, 2014

Ebooks 2014 - Beyond the Ebook was held at Roberts G06 Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre, University College London.

The JISC e-textbook project

David Ball
David Ball Consulting & JISC Collections

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Beyond the textbook? Mobile and Interactive textbooks in the digital age

Kiren Shoman
Executive Director, Books Editorial, Sage Publishing

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Systems for integrating with the student work-flow

Richard Burkett
Technical Director Proquest Ltd

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How do I buy thee? Let me count the ways: an overview of e-book pricing and collection models

Steve Giannoni
Director of Sales, Ebsco Publishing

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Ebooks 2014 Panel

John Akeroyd (Chair person)
Honorary Research Fellow UCL and Director Information Reports Ltd

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The future of academic publishing: continuity or discontinuity?

Stephen Pinfield
Sheffield University School of Information Studies and former CIO, Nottingham University

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Reaching readers: content and community

Alastair Horne
Digital Strategist Cambridge University Press and Futurist

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Econtent and MOOCs

Nicky Whitsed
Chair of the International M-Libraries Conference and Director of Library Services, The Open University (UK)

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Building communities and bundling content

Eela Devani
Digital Development Director, Bloomsbury Press

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Who are the winners? Ebook consortial purchasing

Hazel Woodward
Director of Information Power Ltd

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