NIP28/Digital Fabrication 2012

September 9–13, 2012
Quebec City, Canada
The 28th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies and Digital Fabrication 2012.

Coexistence of Print and Digital Media: Panelist 3 ‹ Wolfgang Schmidt

Wolfgang Schmidt
Felix Schoeller No paper available

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Coexistence of Print and Digital Media: Panelist 4 ‹ George Gibson

George Gibson
Xerox CorporationNo paper available

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Nanographic Printing Technology

Gilad Tzori
Landa Digital PrintingDownload paper

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Paper Microfluidics as an Enabling Platform for Low-cost Diagnostics

Jason Rolland
Diagnostics for All Download paper

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Single Pass Inkjet Digital Printing Technology for Commercial Printing Market

Hidetoshi Shinada
FUJIFILM DimatixDownload paper

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Enabling Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing, and the Internet of Things

James Stasiak
Hewlett-Packard CompanyDownload paper

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Coexistence of Print and Digital Media: Panelist 2 ‹ Eric Hanson

Eric Hanson
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA)No paper available

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Coexistence of Print and Digital Media: Panelist 1 ‹ Hirohito Shibata

Hirohito Shibata
Fuji XeroxNo paper available

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