APE 2012

APE 2012
January 24-25, 2012
Berlin, Germany
APE 2012 - Academic Publishing in Europe 7 was held at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Gendarmenmarkt.

Table of Contents

  1. Enabling the Transition of Existing Journals to Open Access
  2. The Past, the Present and the Future of STM Publishing
  3. Research and Innovation. From Web 2.0 to Science 2.0? The Potential of ICT to change the Modus of Science and Research
  4. The Shape of Things to Come: how technology trends and market forces will change the structure of the STM publishing industry
  5. Measuring and Managing Research OutcomesMeasuring and Managing Research Outcomes

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DataCite re-visited – Citing Data in the XXIst Century, at long last

Dr Jan Brase
Director, DataCite, University Hannover

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PANGAEA – Research Data enters Scholarly Communication. Building an Infrastructure to publish and cite Data in the Earth and Environmental Sciences

Michael Diepenbroek
Managing Director, PANGAEA, Bremen

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Dryad: Scalable Infrastructure for coupling Research Data to Publications in the Life Sciences

Dr Todd J. Vision
Associate Professor of Biology , University of North Carolina, NC

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One Publisher’s Journey through the Open Access Debate

Dr Fred Dylla
Ex. Director and CEO, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD

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APE 2012 – Closing Panel

Dr Sven Fund (Chair)
Managing Director, De Gruyter, Berlin

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Measuring and Managing Research OutcomesMeasuring and Managing Research Outcomes

Dr Nick Fowler
Director of Strategy, Elsevier, Amsterdam

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Semantic Enrichment in an “Information as a Service” Model

Stefan Geißler
Managing Director, TEMIS Deutschland, Heidelberg

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The Past, the Present and the Future of STM Publishing

Derk Haank
CEO, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin

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The Linked Content Coalition – a new approach to the management of copyright on the internet

Mark Bide
Director, EDItEUR, London

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Research and Innovation. From Web 2.0 to Science 2.0? The Potential of ICT to change the Modus of Science and Research

Prof Dr Jean-Claude Burgelman
Head of Unit DC.2: ERIAB, European Commission, Brussels

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An Update on CrossMark and about ORCID: Toward Unambiguous Attribution of Scholarly Contributions

Geoffrey Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef, Lynnfield, MA

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Digital Reuse Rights in a fast-changing Publishing Environment: Users’ Demands and Licensing Options for Publishers

Kim Zwollo
General Manager, RightsDirect, Amsterdam

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User-side semantic Enrichment of Scholarly Content

Dr Steve Pettifer
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester

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The Shape of Things to Come: how technology trends and market forces will change the structure of the STM publishing industry

Mark Ware
VP and Lead Analyst, Outsell, London

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Enabling the Transition of Existing Journals to Open Access

Prof Dr Bernard F. Schutz
Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Golm

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Tracing Tacit Knowledge: Practice and Promise of Journal Article Mining

Drs Eefke Smit1 and Drs Maurits van der Graaf2
1Director, STM, Amsterdam, 2Senior Consultant, Pleiade, Amsterdam

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Wake-up Discussion: The End of the Semantic Web? The Internet of Things and Services

Arnoud de Kemp (Moderator)
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA GmbH, Heidelberg

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Enhancing Publications with Research Data

Dr Peter Doorn
Director, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), KNAW, Amsterdam

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Integrated Publishing – New Opportunities for Scientific Publishers

Dr Sven Fund
Managing Director, De Gruyter, Berlin

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Transforming the Way we publish Research

Dr Daniel Mietchen
EvoMRI Communications, Jena

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ODE: Opportunities for Data Exchange – A Publisher Viewpoint on the Changes ahead

Drs Eefke Smit
Director, STM, Amsterdam

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