Innovations Seminar UK 2012

STM E-Production Seminar 2012
December 7, 2012
STM Innovations Seminar 2012 — Innovation Impacts in STM: New Metrics, Big Data, Cool Apps held at Central Hall Westminster, Storey's Gate, Westminster London.

Please note that new recordings will be added as we receive permission to upload.

Opening Keynote: Hack Yourself, the power of personal data

Adriana Lukas
Founder, Quantified Self, London

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What Article-Level Metrics can do for you

Martin Fenner
Technical Lead Article-Level Metrics PLoS, Public Library of Science

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A new metric for journal impact: Usage Factor

Peter Shepherd
Director COUNTER

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Thomson Reuters’ Data Citation Index

Nigel Robinson
Thomson Reuters

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Keith Collier

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Mike Taylor
Elsevier Labs

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Data, Big data and Publications: to share and link data and to benefit from it

Hans Pfeiffenberger
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Sea Research, Editor of ESSD, Earth Science Systems Data journal

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ORCID after launch: ready for future authors services

Ed Pentz
Executive Director, CrossRef

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Tackling some of the trials and tribulations of a researcher

Rebecca Lawrence

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Apps for chemistry

Jignesh Bhate
Molecular Connections

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Get Credit for all of your research

Mark Hahnel

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Snowball Metrics: global standards for institutional benchmarking

Lisa Colledge

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Publisher alt-metric stats deathmatch

Euan Adie

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Bibliometrics, what next? Perspective of a journal editor

Gianluca Setti
Professor, University of Ferrara (ENDIF)

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