STM Annual Spring Conference 2011 Trailblazing & transforming scholarly publishing 2011 + Stakeholders venture forward

STM Spring Conference 2011
April 26–28, 2011
Washington, D. C., USA
This conference was held at Washington Marriott.

Action Science Explorer: Interactive Data Visualization for Rapid Understanding of Scientific Literature

Cody Dunne
Ph.D. student in Computer Science, University of Maryland

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A Society Publisher’s Future Perspective

Kevin Fitzpatrick
Senior Vice President, American College of Cardiology

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A Knovel Way to Build Revenue Streams

Meagan Cooke
Director of Content Strategy, Knovel

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Open Data at The World Bank: moving away from a subscription model

Soong Sup Lee
Senior Information Officer, The World Bank

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Analysis: Insights and Trends in the Global STM Market

David Bousfield, Ph.D.
Vice President & Lead Analyst, Outsell UK Ltd

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Current and future challenges in China: What’s an STM publisher to do?

Steve Miron
Senior Vice President, STM & Scholarly Division, John Wiley & Sons

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Riding the Data Wave: Research Libraries’ Role and Response

James L. Mullins, Ph.D
Dean of Libraries & Professor, Purdue University

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What are the opportunities and challenges in Latin America?

Bob Wing
Systems Link International

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Introduction – Sense about Science: Debating Peer Review

David A. Ruth

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Making sense of science and evidence

Tracey Brown
Managing Director, Sense About Science

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Reinventing Collection Development for a Digital Age: On-Demand and On-the-Go

Michael Levine-Clark
Collections Librarian, Penrose Library, University of Denver

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Panel and plenary discussion – Sense about Science

Tracey Brown (Facilitator)
Managing Director, Sense About Science

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Research Library Futures

Rick Anderson
Associate Director for Scholarly Resources & Collections, University of Utah

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Keynote: Considering the researched: ethics and online research

Aleks Krotoski, Ph.D
Research Associate, Oxford Internet Institute

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Linda Beebe: Strategic Integration of Article Content: Managing Supplemental Materials

Linda Beebe
Senior Director, PsychINFO, American Psychological Association

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David Martinsen: Strategic Integration of Article Content: Managing Supplemental Materials

David Martinsen
ACS Publications, Senior Scientist, Web Strategy and Innovation

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A Post Doc & Scholarly Research now and the future

Frank L. Hammond III, Ph.D
Harvard University School of Engineering & Applied Science

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