It’s An ‘Either/And’ World After All

Ruth Jones
Ingram Digital Ltd.
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Up a notch – innovation from product to production

Richard Padley* and Andrea Powell**
* Semantico Ltd ** CABI
Play (45min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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Half full or half empty? eBooks, the incomplete revolution

Alan Jarvis
Global Director, Social Science Books, Routledge
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Welcome and Opening

Jayne Marks
STM chair, Vice President, Sage Publications, Inc.
Play (3min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

All aboard the semantic bandwagon! – Now just hold on a minute…

Colin Batchelor
Senior Informatics Analyst, Royal Society of Chemistry
Play (20min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Your Brain on Computers

Matthew D. Richtel
2010 Putlizer Prize winner, The New York Times
Play (61min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Linda Beebe: Strategic Integration of Article Content: Managing Supplemental Materials

Linda Beebe
Senior Director, PsychINFO, American Psychological Association

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Heading for the Open Road: Costs and benefits of transitions in scholarly communications

Daniel Hulls1, Michael Jubb2
1Director, Cambridge Economic Policy Associates, 2Director, Research Information Network

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Article Evolution

Graham McCann

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Embedding the Evidence

Rhian Morgan
RN, Clinical Strategist, Cerner Corporation

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The Transformation of Libraries and their Users: Q & A with Librarians

Moderators: Della Sar and T. Scott Plutchak

More »

Third Panel

Get Credit for all of your research

Mark Hahnel

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Licensing and text mining in the newspaper and periodicals sector

Andrew Hughes
Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA)

More »

The Pioneer’s Dilemma: Re-thinking and Re-tooling what was once state of art

Nancy Roberts
Global Production and Operations Director, Academic Publishing, Cambridge University Press

More »

An Introduction to Kudos

Melinda Kenneway
Director, Kudos and TBI Communications

More »

Professional Associations & Learned Societies: Current Issues & Outlook

Deni Auclair
Vice President & Lead Analyst, STM, Outsell, Inc.

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Science-Focused Start-ups

Michael Clarke
President, Clarke & Company

More »

Requisite variety in scholarly metrics

Cassidy Sugimoto
Assistant Professor, School of Information & Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington

More »

Research4Life – OARE working in Kenya

Introduced by Michael Mabe
Play (8min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The New POD ‘Publishing On-Demand’: Harnessing On-demand JIT Book Manufacturing for Publishing Success

Suzanne Wilson-Higgins
Ingram Content Group
Play (40min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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Publishing for HSS and STM: Differences of Kind or of Degree?

Geraldine Billingham
Editorial Director, Berg Publishers
Play (24min) Download: MP4 | MP3

More »

Panel Q & A: What does the user really want? Examining channels, behavior, and business models

Moderator: Tim Collins
Presenters: Andrea Kravetz, Deborah Lenares and William Park
Play (30min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

‘Lead’ or ‘lead’ – improving the quality of semantic enrichment

Jeremy Macdonald
Associate Director, Platform Development, Nature Publishing Group
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Utopia Documents

Adam Marshall
Portland Press
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

David Martinsen: Strategic Integration of Article Content: Managing Supplemental Materials

David Martinsen
ACS Publications, Senior Scientist, Web Strategy and Innovation

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A Conversation with Annette Thomas

Annette Thomas1, David Worlock2 (Interviewer)
1CEO, Macmillan, 2Outsell, Inc.

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Connecting to external data sets through SciVerse Applications

IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg

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Footprints across the East-West bridge

Caitlin Meadows
Publishing Services Director, Charlesworth Group

More »

Future Lab Flash Sessions

Fourth Panel

Snowball Metrics: global standards for institutional benchmarking

Lisa Colledge

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Licensing in the publishing sector

Sarah Faulder
Publishers Licensing Society

More »

Bits and Pieces: A Revised Look at Metadata eProduction Workflow

Bruce Rosenblum
CEO, Inera

More »

Flash SocialCite

Kent Anderson
Caldera Information Solutions, LLC

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Moving Members from Print to E:

Ann Michael
President, Delta Think, Inc.

More »

Improving the Openness, Integrity, and Reproducibility of Scientific Research

Sara Bowman
Project Manager, Center for Open Science

More »

Forum Discussion – Launching the STM Tech Trends 2015

Chris Kenneally
Copyright Clearance Center

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RIN E-Journals Update

Dr. Ian Rowlands
University College, London
Play (33min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Concluding Keynote – Beyond Text and Tiffs: Progress and Prospects for Rich Media

Bill Kasdorf
Apex Content Solutions
Play (39min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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Validating Scholarship in the 21st Century

Rebecca Cullen
Senior Online Product Development Manager, Oxford University Press
Play (27min) Download: MP4 | MP3

More »

Panel Q & A: Getting to the Content: Rethinking publishing models

Moderator: Howard Ratner
Presenters: Ramy Arnaout, Jason Hoyt and Dan Pollock
Play (14min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

Making of gold – Stories from the content enrichment work bench

Sam Herbert
Client Services Director, 67 Bricks
Play (19min) Download: MP4 | MP3

More »


Ed Pentz
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

A Post Doc & Scholarly Research now and the future

Frank L. Hammond III, Ph.D
Harvard University School of Engineering & Applied Science

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What’s New (In Fifteen Minutes or Less)

Kevin Cohn
Vice-President of Operations, Atypon

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Portfolio Expansion

Kent Anderson

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Semantic MEDLINE

Thomas C. Rindflesch
Cognitive Science Branch, National Library of Medicine

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Free Ride: How Digital Parasites are Destroying the Culture Business, and how the Culture Business can Fight Back

Robert Levine
Journalist, New York and Berlin

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How’s your plumbing?

Richard Wynne
Aries Systems

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Publisher alt-metric stats deathmatch

Euan Adie

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Legal issues in licensing TDM

Carlo Scollo Lavizzari
Lenz Caemmerer

More »

The Research Data Revolution

Sayeed Choudhury
Associate Dean for Research Data Management, Johns Hopkins University

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Jason Karl

More »

Does the Journal Reflect Global Society Goals? A Case Study from the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

David Sampson
Publishing Director, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

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Securing Trust & Transparency in Peer Review

Eric Hall
Director of Business Development,  Peer Review Evaluation (Pre)

More »

Copyright Clearance Center’s Text Mining Solution

Jasper Simons
American Psychological Association

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Update on the Chicago Collaborative – Bringing the Stakeholders Together

T. Scott Plutchak
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Mobile Publishing at NEJM

Kent Anderson
New England Journal of Medicine
Play (27min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Exploring online delivery for social scientists

Martha Sedgwick
Play (22min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Q & A: Updates on important initiatives for scholarly publishers

H. Frederick Dylla and Howard Ratner
Play (5min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

Drilling down into eBook identifiers – ISBN, ISTC, DOI etc.

Brian Green
Executive Director, International ISBN Agency
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

More »

Internationalization of interfaces

Richard Wynne
Aries System
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Action Science Explorer: Interactive Data Visualization for Rapid Understanding of Scientific Literature

Cody Dunne
Ph.D. student in Computer Science, University of Maryland

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Outsourcing and the Changing Face of Production

Will Wilcox
Journal Content Management Director, Life Sciences Division, Wiley-Blackwell

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Much Ado About Data

Dave Martinsen

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Vision, Users, Developers – what drives innovation at Mendeley?”

Dr. Victor Henning
Co-Founder & CEO, Mendeley, Ltd

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Driving Change: Funders as Catalyst

Robert Kiley
Head, Digital Services, Wellcome Trust

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The new NISO journal Article Tag Suite standard

Sara Zimmerman

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Bibliometrics, what next? Perspective of a journal editor

Gianluca Setti
Professor, University of Ferrara (ENDIF)

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The CCC TDM Pilot Project

John Billington
Copyright Clearance Center

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Source Data and other article enrichments

Thomas Lemberger
EMBO Journals

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Lost in Translation

David Kavanagh

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Diversifying your Publication Portfolio

Diana Olson
Vice President of Communications, Infectious Diseases Society of America

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Data Sharing: What are the Roles for Publishers

Gerry Grenier

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Alternative Metrics, lessons learned

Martin Fenner
PLOS, chair of the NISO group on New Metrics Technical Lead of PLOS article-level metrics

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Welcome & Opening

Jayne Marks
VP & Editorial Director, Sage Publications
Play (6min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Nature on Mobile

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group
Play (17min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Digging into Data: Electronic publications in Archaeology

Michael Charno, Prof. Julian Richards
Archaeology Data Service
Play (39min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Keynote: Beyond Topical Relevance: How Scholars Choose Articles to Read

Suzie Allard
School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee
Play (67min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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eBooks Breaking Up – identifying components

Ed Pentz
Executive Director, CrossRef
Play (22min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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New Pathways to Research

Jonathan Morgan
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

A Society Publisher’s Future Perspective

Kevin Fitzpatrick
Senior Vice President, American College of Cardiology

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Dr. Jeff Deneen
Director of Sales and Marketing, Metapress

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Next Generation IEEE Research Article

Prakash Bellur

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From Discoverability to Actionability of Content

Howard Ratner
Chief Technology Officer, Executive Vice-President, Nature Publishing Group

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Publishing Transformed: New Players, New Outcomes

Dr Johannes Fournier
Programme Director, Scientific Library Services and Information Systems, DFG

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Q & A – New Approaches to XML


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Keynote 1: Open access and creative licensing

Mark Seeley
Senior Vice-President and General Counsel, Elsevier

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Prospect, a text mining initiative from CrossRef

Ed Pentz

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Actionable Data – the Wolfram Approach

Matthew Day
Wolfram Research

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Elliot Lack
APP Studio Product Manager

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2nd session Q&A

Maureen Naff
Director, Author & Partner Marketing and Services, Springer

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Keynote: Why data are not publications: Potential potholes for STM publishers

Prof.Christine Borgman
Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies

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Using ORCID Identifiers in Researcher Reputation Management Systems

Laurel Haak
Executive Director, ORCID

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Keynote: Is Scientific Publishing About to be Disrupted?

Michael Nielsen
Play (73min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Developing a Mobile Strategy at the IEEE

Gerry Grenier
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Licensing of digital Content to Intermediaries

Wulf von Lucius
Lucius & Lucius
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Beyond Topic: How Readers Choose which Article to Read

Carol Tenopir
University of Tennessee
Play (38min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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I-dent know? Identifiers from the publisher’s perspective

Mark Majurey
Taylor & Francis Books
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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