CGIV 2010/MCS’10

CGIV 2010
June 14–17, 2010
Joensuu, Finland
CGIV 2010/MCS'10 - The 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision and the 12th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science held at University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.

Table of Contents

  1. Cortical Mechanisms of Color Vision
  2. Adding Texture to Color: Quantitative Analysis of Color Emotions
  3. Testing the Color Harmony for Painting Exhibition
  4. Online Colour Naming Experiment Using Munsell Colour Samples
  5. A New Compact Singularity Function to Predict WCS Color Names and Unique Hues
  6. Error Estimation of Paired Comparison Tests for Thurstone’s Case V
  7. Chromatic Effects of Metamers of Daylights
  8. Accurate Mapping of Natural Scenes Radiance to Cone Activation Space: A New Image Dataset
  9. Supporting “Good Enough” Colour Reproduction in Non-Colour Managed Workflow
  10. Softproofing System for Accurate Colour Matching and Study of Observer
  11. Estimation of Backing Influence on Halftone Reflectance
  12. Psychovisual Assessment of Tone-Mapping Operators for Global Appearance and Colour Reproduction
  13. Ink-Dependent n-Factors for the Yule-Nielsen Modified Spectral Neugebauer Model
  14. Object-Colour Space Revisited
  15. Extending SURF to the Color Domain
  16. Evaluation Perceptual Color Edge Detection Algorithms
  17. Color Edge Saliency Boosting Using Natural Image Statistics
  18. Unsupervised Hierarchical Spatio-Colorimetric Classification for Color Image Segmentation
  19. Color Image Super Resolution: A Two-Step Approach Based on Geometric Grouplets
  20. Colour Fractal Analysis for Video Quality Assessment
  21. Denoising of Multispectral Images via Nonlocal Groupwise Spectrum-PCA
  22. Local Perceptual Weighting in JPEG2000 for Color Images
  23. On Curvature of Color Spaces and Its Implications
  24. Colour and Appearance Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Soup Using a Digital Colour Imaging System
  25. Angular Variations of Color in Turbid Media—The Influence of Bulk Scattering on Goniochromism in Paper
  26. A Color Matching Experiment Using Two Displays: Design Considerations and Pilot Test Results
  27. Evaluation of Performance of Twelve Color-Difference Formulae Using Two NCSU Experimental Datasets
  28. Color by Numbers—Quantifying the Quality of Color Reproduction
  29. RGBE vs Modified TIFF for Encoding High Dynamic Range
  30. Saliency Models as Gamut-Mapping Artifact Detectors
  31. Spectral Image Prediction of Color Halftone Prints Based on Neugebauer Modified Spectral Reflection Image Model
  32. RAW Image Files: The Way to HDR Image From a Single Exposure
  33. Simplified Gamut Boundary Representation Using Mesh Decimation
  34. Wide-gamut Image Capture
  35. Evaluating Color Difference Formulae by Riemannian Metric
  36. Checking Recent Colour-Difference Formulas with a Dataset of Metallic Samples and Just Noticeable Colour-Difference Assessments
  37. Comparison of Colour Difference Methods for Natural Images
  38. Spatial and Spectral Analysis and Modeling of Transversal Chromatic Aberrations and Their Compensation
  39. Noise Analysis of a Multispectral Image Acquisition System
  40. Multiresolution-Based Pansharpening in Spectral Color Images
  41. Spectral Variability of Light-Emitting Diodes with Angle
  42. Fast Non-Iterative PCA Computation for Spectral Image Analysis Using GPU
  43. Surface Reflectance Models Based on Characteristic Functions

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Softproofing System for Accurate Colour Matching and Study of Observer

Bernhard Hill
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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A Color Matching Experiment Using Two Displays: Design Considerations and Pilot Test Results

Abhijit Sarkar1,2, Laurent Blondé1, Patrick Le Callet2,
Florent Autrusseau2, Patrick Morvan1, Jürgen Stauder1
1Technicolor Research, 2IRCCyN-IVC, France
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Fast Non-Iterative PCA Computation for Spectral Image Analysis Using GPU

Jukka Antikainen, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Timo Jääskeläinen,
Jussi Parkkinen
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
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Estimation of Backing Influence on Halftone Reflectance

Matthias Scheller Lichtenauer1, Hanno Hoffstadt2,
Andreas Kraushaar3, Berthold Oberhollenzer3, Peter Zolliker1
1EMPA, Switzerland, 2GMG GmbH & Co. KG, 3Fogra, Germany
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Evaluation of Performance of Twelve Color-Difference Formulae Using Two NCSU Experimental Datasets

Renzo Shamey1, David Hinks1, Manuel Melgosa2,
M. Ronnier Luo3, Guihua Cui3, Rafael Huertas2,
Lina Cárdenas1, and Seung Geol Lee1
1North Carolina State University, USA, 2University of Granada, Spain,
3University of Leeds, UK

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Surface Reflectance Models Based on Characteristic Functions

Oh-Seol Kwon, Holly E. Gerhard, Laurence T. Maloney
New York University, USA
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Psychovisual Assessment of Tone-Mapping Operators for Global Appearance and Colour Reproduction

Céline Villa, Raphaël Labayrade
Université de Lyon, France
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Color by Numbers—Quantifying the Quality of Color Reproduction

Jon Y. Hardeberg
Gjøvik University College, Norway
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Online Colour Naming Experiment Using Munsell Colour Samples

Dimitris Mylonas, Lindsay MacDonald
London College of Communication, UK
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Ink-Dependent n-Factors for the Yule-Nielsen Modified Spectral Neugebauer Model

Romain Rossier and Roger D. Hersch
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
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RGBE vs Modified TIFF for Encoding High Dynamic Range

Jakkarin Singnoo, Graham D. Finlayson
University of East Anglia, UK
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Object-Colour Space Revisited

Alexander D. Logvinenko
Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
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Saliency Models as Gamut-Mapping Artifact Detectors

Guanqun Cao1, Marius Pedersen1,2, Zofia Baranczuk3
1Gjøvik University College, Norway, 2Óce Print Logic Technologies S.A., France, 3Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research EMPA, Switzerland
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Extending SURF to the Color Domain

David Gossow, Peter Decker, and Dietrich Paulus
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
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Spectral Image Prediction of Color Halftone Prints Based on Neugebauer Modified Spectral Reflection Image Model

Masayuki Ukishima1,2, Yoshinori Suzuki1, Norimichi
Tsumura1, Toshiya Nakaguchi1, Martti Mäkinen2,
Shinichi Inoue3, Jussi Parkkinen2
1Chiba University, Japan, 2University of Eastern Finland, Finland,
3Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd., Japan

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Evaluation Perceptual Color Edge Detection Algorithms

Aurora Sáez, Carmen Serrano, Begoña Acha
University of Seville, Spain
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RAW Image Files: The Way to HDR Image From a Single Exposure

Massimo Fierro, Tae-Hyoung Lee, Yeong-Ho Ha
Kyungpook National University, Korea
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Color Edge Saliency Boosting Using Natural Image Statistics

David Rojas Vigo, Joost van de Weijer, Theo Gevers
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
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Simplified Gamut Boundary Representation Using Mesh Decimation

Arne Magnus Bakke, Ivar Farup
Gjøvik University College, Norway
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Supporting “Good Enough” Colour Reproduction in Non-Colour Managed Workflow

Jutta Willamowski, Frederic Roulland, David B. Martin
Xerox Research Centre Europe, France
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Unsupervised Hierarchical Spatio-Colorimetric Classification for Color Image Segmentation

Cindy Torres and Alain Clément
Université d’Angers, France
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Wide-gamut Image Capture

Charles Poynton
Simon Fraser University, Canada
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Accurate Mapping of Natural Scenes Radiance to Cone Activation Space: A New Image Dataset

C. Alejandro Párraga, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
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Color Image Super Resolution: A Two-Step Approach Based on Geometric Grouplets

Aldo Maalouf, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi
University of Poitiers, France
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Evaluating Color Difference Formulae by Riemannian Metric

Dibakar Raj Pant1,2, Ivar Farup1
1Gjøvik University College, Norway, 2University Jean Monnet, France
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Chromatic Effects of Metamers of Daylights

Sérgio M.C. Nascimento, Paulo E.R. Felgueiras,
João M.M. Linhares
University of Minho, Portugal
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Colour Fractal Analysis for Video Quality Assessment

Mihai Ivanovici1, Nöel Richard2, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne2
1Transylvania University, Romania, 2University of Poitiers, France
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Checking Recent Colour-Difference Formulas with a Dataset of Metallic Samples and Just Noticeable Colour-Difference Assessments

Rafael Huertas1, Alain Tremeau2, Manuel Melgosa1,
Luis Gomez-Robledo1, Guihua Cui3, M. Ronnier Luo3
1Universidad de Granada, Spain, 2Université Jean Monnet, France,
3University of Leeds, UK

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Error Estimation of Paired Comparison Tests for Thurstone’s Case V

Peter Zolliker, Zofia Baranczuk
Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), Switzerland
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Denoising of Multispectral Images via Nonlocal Groupwise Spectrum-PCA

Aram Danielyan, Alessandro Foi, Vladimir Katkovnik,
Karen Egiazarian
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
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Comparison of Colour Difference Methods for Natural Images

Henri Kivinen, Mikko Nuutinen, Pirkko Oittinen
Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland
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A New Compact Singularity Function to Predict WCS Color Names and Unique Hues

Javier Vazquez-Corral1, Graham D. Finlayson2, Maria Vanrell1
1Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2University of East Anglia, UK
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Local Perceptual Weighting in JPEG2000 for Color Images

Jaime Moreno, Xavier Otazu, Maria Vanrell
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
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Spatial and Spectral Analysis and Modeling of Transversal Chromatic Aberrations and Their Compensation

Julie Klein, Johannes Brauers, Til Aach
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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Testing the Color Harmony for Painting Exhibition

Sabrina Lachheb, Philippe Colantoni, Éric Dinet
(Presented by Alain Trémeau). Laboratoire Hubert Curien, France.
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On Curvature of Color Spaces and Its Implications

Toko Kohei1, Jinhui Chao1, Reiner Lenz2
1Chuo University, Japan, 2Linköping University, Sweden
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Noise Analysis of a Multispectral Image Acquisition System

Noriyuki Shimano
Kinki University, Japan
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Adding Texture to Color: Quantitative Analysis of Color Emotions

Marcel P. Lucassen, Theo Gevers, Arjan Gijsenij
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Colour and Appearance Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Soup Using a Digital Colour Imaging System

Gerard van Dalen, Faisal Osman, Aat Don
Unilever Research and Development, The Netherlands
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Multiresolution-Based Pansharpening in Spectral Color Images

Oili Kohonen
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
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Cortical Mechanisms of Color Vision

Karl R. Gegenfurtner
Justus-Liebig-Universität, Germany
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Angular Variations of Color in Turbid Media—The Influence of Bulk Scattering on Goniochromism in Paper

Magnus Neuman1, Per Edström1, Mattias Andersson1,
Ludovic Coppel1,2, Ole Norberg1
1Mid Sweden University, 2Inneventia AB, Sweden
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Spectral Variability of Light-Emitting Diodes with Angle

Óscar Martínez1, Meritxell Vilaseca2, Carles Pizarro2,
Èdgar Ferrer2, Monserrat Arjona2, Jaume Pujol2
1Hewlett-Packard España, 2Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
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