PubConf 2013

pubconf 2013
June 12, 2013

The conference on Publishing: Evolution, Disruption & The Future was held at Business School, Edinburgh.

Original recordings by Graham Steel, organized into individual talks by River Valley TV.

Media: Digital or Death?

Bill Jamieson
Scot-buzz SPKAFFILIATION The Scotsman

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Digital News: Trust and Profit. Opportunities & challenges for digital news outlets in a time of collapsing trust & revenues in traditional media

Alex Porter
Scottish Times

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Digital Evolution – A List Survival Guide: One traditional publishers journey from print to digital and beyond

Brendan Miles
The List

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Panel Discussion – Can Blogs, Apps and Newspapers Co-exist in Harmony?


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Publish or Perish? The profound shift in scholarly publishing and how the future looks

Cameron Neylon

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Are you being served?

Tom Pollard
Ubiquity Press

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Scholarly Publishing: To Infinity and Beyond

Matt Mckay
International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers (STM)

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MOOCs and Textbooks: Future Competitors or Complementors?

Mark Lester
Open University

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Panel Discussion – Open Information, Innovation & Communication: Making Publicly Funded Information Free


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Lean & Agile: what publishing can learn from startups

Rachel Willmer

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Why I went indie (and why I’m staying indie)

Linda Gillard
award winning SPKAFFILIATION bestselling author

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10 Trends Driving the Future of Publishing

Mark Coker

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