
From London to Paris: A newly discovered Moving Toy Panorama

Ralph Hyde
London, UK
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Promoting Your Work Using Google Resources

Mike Tadros, Alex Oliver
Level: Everyone
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Chromatic Effects of Metamers of Daylights

Sérgio M.C. Nascimento, Paulo E.R. Felgueiras,
João M.M. Linhares
University of Minho, Portugal
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Colour Fractal Analysis for Video Quality Assessment

Mihai Ivanovici1, Nöel Richard2, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne2
1Transylvania University, Romania, 2University of Poitiers, France
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Checking Recent Colour-Difference Formulas with a Dataset of Metallic Samples and Just Noticeable Colour-Difference Assessments

Rafael Huertas1, Alain Tremeau2, Manuel Melgosa1,
Luis Gomez-Robledo1, Guihua Cui3, M. Ronnier Luo3
1Universidad de Granada, Spain, 2Université Jean Monnet, France,
3University of Leeds, UK

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Fourier transform in SVG graphics

Andrey Matseevskiy
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SVG Working Group Panel

Session Chair: Erik Dahlström
Opera Software ASA
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Image emotion and colour emotions for images

Joohee Jun
University of Leeds
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Development of Precision Color Corrector for HDTV Single-chip Color Broadcasting Camera

(Interactive Paper Preview)Hiroshi Shimamoto1, Tomohiro Takahashi2,
Shingo Yamashita2, Kohji Mitani3, and Yasuhiro Ito1
1NHK Engineering Services, Inc., 2ASTRODESIGN Inc., 3NHK (Japan)
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Design Considerations for Wide Gamut Displays

Karel Hinnen and Erno H. A. Langendijk
Philips Consumer Lifestyle (the Netherlands)
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Vectorial Quality Measure for Digital Camera in Opponent FCS

(Interactive Paper Preview)Hiroaki Kotera
Kotera Imaging Laboratory (Japan)
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Analysis of Spatial Image Rendering

(Interactive Paper Preview)John McCann1; Vassilios Vonikakis2,
Carinna Parraman3 and Alessandro Rizzi4
1McCann Imaging (USA), 2Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), 3University of the West of England (UK), 4University of Milan (Italy) Download paper
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Design of tuneable anti-aliasing filters for multiview displays

Atanas R. Boev, Robert Bregovic, Atanas P. Gotchev
Tampere Univ. of Technology (Finland)

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A modular cross-platform GPU-based approach for flexible 3D video playback

Roger Olsson, Håkan Andersson, Mårten Sjöström
Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden)

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Digital Printing and Workflow Evolution— Opening New Opportunities

Will Allen
Hewlett-Packard Corp., USA

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Image Color Transfer with Naturalness Constraints

Xuemei Zhang1, Hui Chao2, and Dan Tretter3
1Apple Inc., 2Qualcomm, 3Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA)
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Crosstalk reduces the amount of depth seen in 3D images of natural scenes [8288-29]

Inna Tsirlin, Robert S. Allison, Laurie M. Wilcox
York Univ., Canada
Published Manuscript

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New high-brightness interference filter developments [8288-50]

Helmut Jorke, Arnold Simon
Infitec GmbH, Germany
Published Manuscript

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An eyeglass-like, eye-tracked, optical see-through, head-mounted display using freeform optics [8288-52]

Hong Hua
The Univ. of Arizona, United States

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What is the color of chocolate? – Extracting color values of semantic expressions

Albrecht Lindner1, Nicolas Bonnier2, Sabine Süsstrunk1
1École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), 2Océ Print Logic Technologies (France)
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An expanded Neugebauer formula, using varying micro-reflectance of the Neugebauer primaries

Daniel Nyström
Linköping University (Sweden)
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Visibility of binocular crosstalk for high-dynamic range displays [8648-08] [SD&A2013]

Marc Lambooij, Martin Hammer
TP Vision (Netherlands)
Published Manuscript

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Disparity analysis of 3D movies and emotional representations [8648-34] [SD&A2013]

Takashi Kawai1, Masahiro Hirahara1, Yuya Tomiyama1, Daiki Atsuta1, Jukka Häkkinen2
1 Waseda Univ. (Japan), 2 Aalto Univ. (Finland)
Published Manuscript

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Image deblurring in smartphone devices using built-in inertial measurement sensors

Ondrej Sindelar1, Filip Sroubek 2
1 Charles Univ. in Prague (Czech Republic), 2 Institute of Information Theory and Automation (Czech Republic)

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That thing in your pocket is really a computer!: the future of mobile imaging

Edward J. Delp III
Purdue Univ. (United States)

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Effulgence of the North: An Arctic Panorama on View at the Velaslavasay Panorama in Los Angeles

Sara Velas
California, USA
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Photo-Rendering Your SketchUp Models: Some Options

Robin Lockhart, Pete Stoppel, Jin Pak
Level: Everyone
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Error Estimation of Paired Comparison Tests for Thurstone’s Case V

Peter Zolliker, Zofia Baranczuk
Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research (EMPA), Switzerland
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Denoising of Multispectral Images via Nonlocal Groupwise Spectrum-PCA

Aram Danielyan, Alessandro Foi, Vladimir Katkovnik,
Karen Egiazarian
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
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Comparison of Colour Difference Methods for Natural Images

Henri Kivinen, Mikko Nuutinen, Pirkko Oittinen
Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland
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Automobile Crash Testing Simulation Using ‘SVG Authoring Tools and SVG 3D Virtualization’ for Academic Purposes

Rohan Vibhandik
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
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Mappetizer Tourist- and City-Info and Mappetizer Travel Diary

Ruth Lang and Armin Müller
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When only hue is left: human assignment of grey-levels to iso-brightness and iso-saturated images

Romain Bachy1, Marina Bloj1 and David Connah2
1University of Bradford, 2University of East Anglia
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A Simplified Method of Predicting the Colorimetry of Spot Color Overprints

(Interactive Paper Preview)Kiran Deshpande and Phil Green
London College of Communication (UK)
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Introducing Ink Spreading Within the Cellular Yule-Nielsen Modified Neugebauer Model

Romain Rossier, Thomas Bugnon, and Roger D. Hersch
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
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Evaluating CATs as Predictors of Observer Adjustments in Softcopy Fine Art Reproduction

(Interactive Paper Preview)Jun Jiang, Franziska Frey, and Susan Farnand
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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A Glass Bead Game: A Talk about Holography and Culture

Mark Holzbach
Zebra Imaging, Inc. (US)
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Multiview image compression based on LDV scheme

Benjamin Battin, Cédric Niquin, Philippe Vautrot1, Didier G. Debons2, Laurent Lucas3
1 Univ. de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France), 23DTV Solutions (France), 3Univ. de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France)

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The Dynamic Floating Window: a new creative tool for 3D movies

Brian R. Gardner
Independent 3D Consultant (United States)

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Is Paper a Nuisance in the Office? A Comparison of Paper and Electronic Media from the Perspectives of CO2 Emissions and Work Efficiency

Hirohito Shibata
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd, Japan

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Evaluating the Perceived Quality of Soft-Copy Reproductions of Fine Art Images with and without the Original Present

Jun Jiang, Franziska Frey, Susan Farnand
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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How much crosstalk can be allowed in a stereoscopic system at various grey levels? [8288-33]

Sergey A. Shestak, Dae-Sik Kim
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea
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Real-world stereoscopic performance in multiple-focal-planes displays: how far apart should the image planes be? [8288-51]

Simon J. Watt, Kevin J. MacKenzie, Louise C. Ryan
Bangor Univ., United Kingdom
Published Manuscript

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Case study: the introduction of stereoscopic games on the Sony PlayStation 3 [8288-38]

Ian H. Bickerstaff
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., United Kingdom

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A novel computational tool for aesthetic scoring of digital photography

Fabrizio Ravì, Sebastiano Battiato
University of Catania (Italy)
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Influence of local scene colour on target detection tested by global rearrangement of natural scenes

Kinjiro Amano, David H. Foster, Matthew S. Mould, John P. Oakley
University of Manchester (UK)
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Method to test and quantify 3D active shutter glasses [8648-10] [SD&A2013]

Kurt Hoffmeister
Mechdyne Corp. (United States)
Published Manuscript

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Methodology of stereoscopic motion picture quality assessment [8648-35] [SD&A2013]

Alexander Voronov, Dmitriy Vatolin, Vyacheslav Napadovsky, Alexey Borisov, Denis Sumin
Moscow State Univ. (Russian Federation)
Published Manuscript

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Panel Discussion: Online Learning: Will Technology Transform Higher Education?

Bernd Girod (Panel Moderator)
Stanford Univ. (United States)

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From image quality to atmosphere experience: how evolutions in technology impact experience assessment

Ingrid Heynderickx1, Huib de Ridder2
1 Philips Research Nederland B.V. (Netherlands) and Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands), 2 Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands)

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Panoramas Down Under: Australian Panoramic Works in Progress

Jeffrey Morgan
Hawker, Australia
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Creating Your Own Styles with Google SketchUp Style Builder

Aidan Chopra
Level: Advanced
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A New Compact Singularity Function to Predict WCS Color Names and Unique Hues

Javier Vazquez-Corral1, Graham D. Finlayson2, Maria Vanrell1
1Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 2University of East Anglia, UK
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Local Perceptual Weighting in JPEG2000 for Color Images

Jaime Moreno, Xavier Otazu, Maria Vanrell
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
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Spatial and Spectral Analysis and Modeling of Transversal Chromatic Aberrations and Their Compensation

Julie Klein, Johannes Brauers, Til Aach
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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Gene Cluster Analysis with GenomeVectorizer

Naidele Katrumane Manjunath and Elena KochetkovaPresented by Rohan Vibhandik
San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA
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Highly Accessible Scientific Graphical Information through DAISY SVG

John Gardner
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Evaluation of chromatic adaptation transform models using unique hue data

Kaida Xiao1, Sophie Wuerger1, Chenyang Fu1,
Dimitris Mylonas1 and Dimosthenis Karatzas2
1University of Liverpool, 2Computer Vision Centre, Barcelona
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Using Image Quality Metrics to Evaluate an ICC Printer Profile

(Interactive Paper Preview)Kristyn Falkenstern1,2, Nicolas Bonnier1,
Hans Brettel2, Marius Pedersen3, and Françoise Viénot4,5
1Océ Print Logic Technologies S.A. (France), 2Télécom ParisTech, LTCI CNRS (France), 3Gjøvik University College (Norway), 4Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France), and 5Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections (France) Download paper
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Toward Reducing Observer Metamerism in Industrial Applications: Colorimetric Observer Categories and Observer Classification

Abhijit Sarkar1,2, Laurent Blondér1, Patrick Le Callet2, Florent Autrusseau2, Patrick Morvan1, and Jürgen Stauder1
1Technicolor Research, 2IRCCyN-IVC, Polytech Nantes (France)
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Measurement and Modeling of Chromatic Spatio-Velocity Contrast Sensitivity Function and its Application to Video Quality Evaluation

(Interactive Paper Preview)Keita Hirai, Toshiaki Mikami,
Norimichi Tsumura, and Toshiya Nakaguchi
Chiba University (Japan)
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Adapting stereoscopic movies to the viewing conditions using depth-preserving and artifact-free novel view synthesis

Frederic Devernay, Sylvain Duchêne, Adrian Ramos-Peon
INRIA Rhône-Alpes (France)

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Machine vision and vitrectomy: three-dimensional high definition video for surgical visualization in vitreoretinal surgery

Christopher D. Riemann M.D.
Cincinnati Eye Institute and MedNet Technologies, Inc. (United States)

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Visual discomfort of stereoscopic images induced by local motion characteristics

Hosik Sohn, Seong-il Lee, Yong Man Ro, Hyun Wook Park
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea)

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(How) Do Observer Categories based on Color Matching Functions Affect the Percep- tion of Small Color Differences?

Maria Fedutina1, Abhijit Sarkar2, Philipp Urban1, and Patrick Morvan2
1Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany), 2Technicolor Research (France)
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The Influence of Speed and Amplitude on Visibility and Perceived Subtlety of Dynamic Light

Michael J. Murdoch, Pieter Seuntiëns, Dragan Sekulovski
Philips Research Europe (the Netherlands)
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Stereoscopic 3D video games and their effects on engagement [8288-39]

Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Chris Zerebecki, Mina Tawadrous, Brodie Stanfield
Univ. of Ontario Institute Of Technology, Canada
Published Manuscript

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Optimization of a multi-view system based on pulsed LED-LCD projectors [8288-53]

Achim Pross, Roland Blach, Matthias Bues, Roman Reichel, Oliver Stefani
Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, Germany
Published Manuscript

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Visual comfort: stereoscopic objects moving in the horizontal and mid-sagittal planes [8288-36]

Wa James Tam1, Filippo Speranza1, Carlos Vázquez1, Ron Renaud1, Namho Hur2
1Communications Research Ctr. Canada, Canada, 2Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea

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Spectral reflectance estimation from transverse field detectors responses

Miguel A. Martinez1, Eva M. Valero1, Javier Hernandez-Andres1, Giacomo Langfelder2
1University of Granada (Spain), 2Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
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Feature based no-reference continuous video quality prediction model for coded stereo video

Z. M. Parvez Sazzad, Rafik Bensalma, Mohamed Chaker Larabi
University of Poitiers (France)
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Towards standardized 3DTV QoE assessment: cross-lab study on display technology and viewing environment parameters [8648-12] [SD&A2013]

Marcus Barkowsky1, Jing Li1, Taehwan Han2, Sungwook Youn2, Jiheon Ok2, Chulhee Lee2, Christer Hedberg3, Inirajith V. Ananth3; Kun Wang3,4, Kjell E. Brunnström3,4, Patrick Le Callet5
1 Polytech’ Nantes (France), 2 Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of), 3 Acreo AB (Sweden), 4 Mid Sweden Univ. (Sweden), 5 Polytech’ Nantes (France)
Published Manuscript

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Critical alignment methods for stereoscopic production and post-production image registration [8648-36] [SD&A2013]

Christopher A. Mayhew, Craig M. Mayhew
Vision III Imaging, Inc. (United States)
Published Manuscript

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Why high performance visual data analytics is both relevant and difficult (Keynote Presentation)

Edward W. Bethel, Prabhat Prabhat, Surendra Byna, Oliver Ruebel, Kesheng Wu, Michael F Wehner
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (United States)

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Social media analysis and platform

Meichun Hsu
Hewlett-Packard Labs. (United States)

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Trafalgar to Trafalgar: Journeys through time

Ian Wood
Devon, Britain
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Diving Deeper into Components

Tyson Kartchner
Level: Advanced
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Testing the Color Harmony for Painting Exhibition

Sabrina Lachheb, Philippe Colantoni, Éric Dinet
(Presented by Alain Trémeau). Laboratoire Hubert Curien, France.
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On Curvature of Color Spaces and Its Implications

Toko Kohei1, Jinhui Chao1, Reiner Lenz2
1Chuo University, Japan, 2Linköping University, Sweden
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Noise Analysis of a Multispectral Image Acquisition System

Noriyuki Shimano
Kinki University, Japan
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Drawing SVG in the Cloud

Andrew Girow
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GAS: Go, Ajax, SVG: Adding Graphics to Go with SVG

Johnny Martin
San Jose State University
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Modelling colour contrast using CIECAM02

Yuanlei Wang, Anthony White and Xiaohong Gao;
Middlesex University
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Unbounded Color Engines

(Interactive Paper Preview)Marti Maria
Little CMS (Spain)
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XYZ to ADL: Calculating Logvinenko’s Object Color Coordinates

Christoph Godau1 and Brian Funt2
1Université Jean Monnet (France), 2Simon Fraser University (Canada)
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Paper Whiteness and its Effect on Perceived Image Quality

(Interactive Paper Preview)Ludovic G. Coppel1,2, Ole Norberg2
and Siv Lindberg1
1Innventia AB and 2Mid Sweden University (Sweden)
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Factors impacting quality of experience in stereoscopic images

Liyuan Xing1, Junyong You1, Touradj Ebrahimi2, Andrew Perkis1
1Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Norway), 2Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

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High brightness film projection system for stereoscopic movies

Lenny Lipton
Oculus3D (United States)

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Stereoscopic multi-perspective capture and display in the performing art

Volker Kuchelmeister
The Univ. of New South Wales (Australia)

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A Study on Spectral Response for Dichromatic Vision

Hiroaki Kotera
Kotera Imaging Laboratory (Japan)
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HDR Video: Capturing and Displaying Dynamic Real-world Lighting

Alan Chalmers, Kurt Debattista
University of Warwick (UK)
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Stereoscopic display in a slot machine [8288-40]

Mikko Laakso
Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), Finland
Published Manuscript

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Stereoscopic desktop VR system for tele-maintenance [8288-02]

Michael Kleiber
Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany
Published Manuscript

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Computational Photography

William T. Freeman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Natural color profile adjustment for professionals

Hila Nachlieli1 (Presenter), Peter Morovič2, Ján Morovič2, Jordi Vilar2, Jordi Arnabat2, Ángel Albarrán2
1Hewlett-Packard Company (Israel), 2Hewlett-Packard Company (Spain)
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Accurate appearance-based visualization of car paints

Ivo van der Lans, Eric Kirchner, André Half
AkzoNobel Automative & Aerospace Coatings (the Netherlands)
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Natural 3D content on glasses-free light-field 3D cinema [SD&A2013]

Tibor Balogh, Péter Tamás Kovács, Zsolt Nagy
Holografika Kft. (Hungary)
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Towards a metric of antialiasing sufficiency for stereoscopic displays [8648-37] [SD&A2013]

Charles J. Lloyd
Visual Performance, LLC (United States)
Published Manuscript

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Lightness perception in imaging and art

Alan L. Gilchrist
Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey (United States)

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Photometric limits for digital camera systems

Michael Schöberl
Fraunhofer IIS (Germany)

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