Tag Archive for 'CIC19'

Appearance Degradation and Chromatic Shift in Energy-Efficient Lighting Devices

Charles E. Hunt1,2 Josep Carreras2 and Jesús Quintero2
1University of California, Davis (USA) and 2Catalonia Institute for Energy Research,IREC (Spain) Download paper

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Evaluating the Perceived Quality of Soft-Copy Reproductions of Fine Art Images with and without the Original Present

Jun Jiang, Franziska Frey, Susan Farnand
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Consideration of Meta-Standards for Color Rendering Metric

Kevin Smet1, Lorne A. Whitehead2
1KAHO Sint-Lieven (Belgium), 2University of British Columbia (Canada)
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Scanner Based Spectrum Estimation of Inkjet Printed Colors

Hadas Kogan, Doron Shaked, Michal Aharon
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Israel)
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Root-Polynomial Colour Correction

Graham D. Finlayson1, Michal Mackiewicz1, Anya Hurlbert2
1University of East Anglia, 2Newcastle University (UK)
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Evaluating Color Reproduction Accuracy of Stereo One-shot Six-band Camera System

M. Tsuchida1, S. Sakai2, K. Ito2, T. Kawanishi1,, K. Kashino1, J. Yamato1, T. Aoki2
1NTT Communication Science Laboratories, 2Tohoku University (Japan)
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Image-Adaptive Color Super-Resolution

Umamahesh Srinivas1 Xuan Mo1 Manu Parmar2 and Vishal Monga1
1Pennsylvania State University, 2Qualcomm MEMS Technologies (USA)
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Efficient Spectral Imaging based on Imaging Systems with Scene Adaptation Using Tunable Color Pixels

Andy L. Lin, Francisco H. Imai
Canon USA Inc. (USA)
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Two-Field Colour-Sequential Display

Martin Hammer1, T. Baar1,2, Y. Zhang1,3, Karel Hinnen1, and Erno Langendijk1
1,Philips Consumer Lifestyle (the Netherlands), 2,Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands), and 3,Southeast University (China) Download paper

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A New Approach for the Assessment of Allergic Dermatitis Using Long Wavelength Near-Infrared Spectral Imaging

Ken Nishino1, Toshiharu Fujiyama2, Hideo Hashizume2, Shigeki Nakauchi1
1Toyohashi University of Technology, 2Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (Japan)
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Appearance-based Primary Design for Displays

Hao Li1, Mark D. Fairchild1 and Anne H. Webster2
1Rochester Institute of Technology (USA), 1Dolby Laboratories (Canada)
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Saliency-Based Band Selection For Spectral Image Visualization

Steven Le Moan1,2, Alamin Mansouri1, Jon Y. Hardeberg1, Yvon Voisin1
1Université de Bourgogne (France), 1Gjøvik University College (Norway)
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Tone Reproduction and Color Appearance Modeling: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Erik Reinhard
University of Bristol (UK)
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HDR Video: Capturing and Displaying Dynamic Real-world Lighting

Alan Chalmers, Kurt Debattista
University of Warwick (UK)
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High Dynamic Range Displays and Low Vision

James A. Ferwerda
Munsell Color Science Laboratory (USA)
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Hiding Patterns with Daylight Fluorescent Inks

Romain Rossier and Roger D. Hersch
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
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(How) Do Observer Categories based on Color Matching Functions Affect the Percep- tion of Small Color Differences?

Maria Fedutina1, Abhijit Sarkar2, Philipp Urban1, and Patrick Morvan2
1Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany), 2Technicolor Research (France)
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The Challenge of our Known Knowns

Robert G. W. Hunt
Colour Consultant (UK)
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A Study on Spectral Response for Dichromatic Vision

Hiroaki Kotera
Kotera Imaging Laboratory (Japan)
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A Study on Perceptually Coherent Distance Measures for Color Schemes

Sandra Skaff1, Luca Marchesotti2, Gabriela Csurka2, Craig Saunders2
1Xerox Research Centre Webster (USA), 2Xerox Research Centre Europe (France)
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The Perception of Chromatic Noise on Different Color

Hideyasu Kuniba
Nikon Corporation (Japan)
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Effects of Skin Tone and Facial Characteristics on Perceived Attractiveness: A Cross-Cultural Study

Yinqiu Yuan, Li-Chen Ou, M. Ronnier Luo
University of Leeds (UK)
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Comparing a Pair of Paired Comparison Experiments: Examining the Validity of Web-Based Psychophysics

Michael D. Harris, Graham D. Finlayson
University of East Anglia (UK)
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Image Color Transfer with Naturalness Constraints

Xuemei Zhang1, Hui Chao2, and Dan Tretter3
1Apple Inc., 2Qualcomm, 3Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA)
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Recent Developments in Colour Rendering Indices and Their Impacts in Viewing Graphic Printed Materials

Yi-Fan Chou1,2, M. Ronnier Luo1, Janos Schanda3, Peter Csuti3, Ferenc Szabo3, G. Sárvári3
1University of Leeds (UK), 2National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), 3University of Pannonia (Hungary) Download paper

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The Influence of Speed and Amplitude on Visibility and Perceived Subtlety of Dynamic Light

Michael J. Murdoch, Pieter Seuntiëns, Dragan Sekulovski
Philips Research Europe (the Netherlands)
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Memory Colour based Assessment of the Colour Quality of White Light Sources

K.A.G. Smet1,3 W.R. Ryckaert1,3 M.R. Pointer2 G. Deconinck3 and P. Hanselaer1,3
1Catholic University College Ghent (Belgium) 2University of Leeds (UK) and 3ESAT/ELECTA (Belgium) Download paper

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Human Demosaicing Algorithm

David Brainard
University of Pennsylvania (USA)
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