Tag Archive for 'CIC18'

A Reduced-Reference Method for Characterizing Color Noise in Natural Images Captured by Digital Cameras

(Interactive Paper Preview)Mikko Nuutinen1, Olli Orenius2,
Timo Säämänen2, and Pirkko Oittinen1
1Aalto University and 2Helsinki University (Finland)
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Constrained Pseudo-Brownian Motion for Image Enhancement

Roberto Montagna and Graham D. Finalyson
University of East Anglia (UK)
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The Challenge of our Unknown Knowns

Robert W.G. Hunt
Colour Consultant, Salisbury, England
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Measurement and Modeling of Chromatic Spatio-Velocity Contrast Sensitivity Function and its Application to Video Quality Evaluation

(Interactive Paper Preview)Keita Hirai, Toshiaki Mikami,
Norimichi Tsumura, and Toshiya Nakaguchi
Chiba University (Japan)
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Colour and Tolerance of Preferred Skin Colours

Huanzhao Zeng1 and M. Ronnier Luo2
1Hewlett-Packard Company (USA), 2University of Leeds (UK)
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Ink Penetration, Isomorphic Colorant Mixing, and Negative Values of Yule-Nielsen n

J.A. Stephen Viggiano
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Advanced in Computational Photography

Ramesh Raskar
MIT Media Lab, USA
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Testing Uniform Colour Spaces Using Printed Samples

(Interactive Paper Preview)Min Huang1, Haoxue Liu1,
M. Ronnier Luo2 and Guihua Cui2
1Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication (China), 2University of Leeds (UK)
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Material-Based Object Segmentation Using Near-Infrared Information

(Interactive Paper Preview)N. Salamati and S. Süsstrunk
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
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Automatic Spot Color Matching Using In-line Densitometric Measurements

Michal Aharon, Eyal Shelef, Doron Shaked, Shlomo Harush, Tsafrir Yedid-Am, Gregory Braverman, and Pavel Blinchuk
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Israel)
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Toward an Automatic Color Calibration for 3D Displays

Jérémie Gerhardt1 and Jean-Baptiste Thomas2
1Fraunhofer FIRST (Germany), 2Gjøvik University College (Norway)
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How Perceptually Uniform Can a Hue Linear Color Space Be?

(Interactive Paper Preview)Ingmar Lissner and Philipp Urban
Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
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Comparing LabPQR and the Spectral Gamut Mapping Framework

(Interactive Paper Preview)Maxim W. Derhak1 and Roy S. Berns2
1ONYX Graphics Inc, 2Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Introducing Ink Spreading Within the Cellular Yule-Nielsen Modified Neugebauer Model

Romain Rossier, Thomas Bugnon, and Roger D. Hersch
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
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Design Considerations for Wide Gamut Displays

Karel Hinnen and Erno H. A. Langendijk
Philips Consumer Lifestyle (the Netherlands)
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Riemannian Formulation of the CIEDE2000 Color Difference Formula

(Interactive Paper Preview)Dibakar R. Pant1,2, and Ivar Farup1
1Gjøvik University College (Norway) and 2University Jean Monnet (France)
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A Simplified Method of Predicting the Colorimetry of Spot Color Overprints

(Interactive Paper Preview)Kiran Deshpande and Phil Green
London College of Communication (UK)
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Revisiting Surface Colour Estimation Under Varying Illumination

Stuart E. Lynch and Graham D. Finlayson
University of East Anglia (UK)
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Colour from Grey by Optimized Colour Ordering

Arash Vahdat and Mark S. Drew
Simon Fraser University (Canada)
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Vectorial Quality Measure for Digital Camera in Opponent FCS

(Interactive Paper Preview)Hiroaki Kotera
Kotera Imaging Laboratory (Japan)
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Automatic Grouping of Semantic Keywords to Improve Image Rendering

(Interactive Paper Preview)Albrecht Lindner1, Nicolas Bonnier2,
Mehmet Candemir1, and Sabine Süsstrunk1
1Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Switzerland), 2Océ – Print Logic Technologies S.A. (France) Download paper

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Toward Reducing Observer Metamerism in Industrial Applications: Colorimetric Observer Categories and Observer Classification

Abhijit Sarkar1,2, Laurent Blondér1, Patrick Le Callet2, Florent Autrusseau2, Patrick Morvan1, and Jürgen Stauder1
1Technicolor Research, 2IRCCyN-IVC, Polytech Nantes (France)
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Sensor Transforms to Improve Metamerism-Based Watermarking

Mark S. Drew1 and Raja Bala2
1Simon Fraser University (Canada), 2Xerox Corporation (USA)
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Psychophysical and Psychophysiological Measurement of Image Emotion

Joohee Junt1, Li-Chen Ou1, Boris Oicherman2, Shuo-Ting Wei1, M. Ronnier Luo1, Hila Nachilieli3, and Carl Staelin3
1University of Leeds (UK), 2Sammy Ofer School of Communication, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Centre (Israel), and 3Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Israel (Israel)
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Analysis of Spatial Image Rendering

(Interactive Paper Preview)John McCann1; Vassilios Vonikakis2,
Carinna Parraman3 and Alessandro Rizzi4
1McCann Imaging (USA), 2Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), 3University of the West of England (UK), 4University of Milan (Italy) Download paper
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Crosstalk Characterization of Stereoscopic 3D Display

Sooyeon Lee and Youngshin Kwak
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)
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A Color Target for Museum Applications

Roy S. Berns and Marissa I. Haddock
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Understanding the Gamma Adjustment of Images

Jakkarin Singnoo and Graham D. Finlayson
University of East Anglia (UK)
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Development of Precision Color Corrector for HDTV Single-chip Color Broadcasting Camera

(Interactive Paper Preview)Hiroshi Shimamoto1, Tomohiro Takahashi2,
Shingo Yamashita2, Kohji Mitani3, and Yasuhiro Ito1
1NHK Engineering Services, Inc., 2ASTRODESIGN Inc., 3NHK (Japan)
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hdr-CIELAB and hdr-IPT: Simple Models for Describing the Color of High-Dynamic-Range and Wide-Color-Gamut Images

Mark D. Fairchild and David R. Wyble
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Chromatic Flicker Perception in Human Peripheral Vision Under Mental Load

M. Perz, D. Sekulovski, and M. Murdoch
Philips Research Europe (the Netherlands)
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Towards an Online Color Naming Model

Dimitris Mylonas1,2, Lindsay MacDonald1, and Sophie Wuerger2
1London College of Communication and 2University of the Arts and School of Psychology, University of Liverpool (UK)
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Unbounded Color Engines

(Interactive Paper Preview)Marti Maria
Little CMS (Spain)
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Investigating Euclidean Mappings for CIEDE2000 Color Difference Formula

Lorenzo Ridolfi, Marcelo Gattass, and Hélio Lopes
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
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Stimulating Future Color Imaging Scientists and Engineers

Mark D. Fairchild
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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A Glass Bead Game: A Talk about Holography and Culture

Mark Holzbach
Zebra Imaging, Inc. (US)
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Improving Perceptual Uniformity of Sampling in Color Look-up Tables

(Interactive Paper Preview)Rohit A. Patil and Maxim W. Derhak (Presenter)
ONYX Graphics Inc. (USA)
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XYZ to ADL: Calculating Logvinenko’s Object Color Coordinates

Christoph Godau1 and Brian Funt2
1Université Jean Monnet (France), 2Simon Fraser University (Canada)
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CIC18: Panel discussion

Mark D. Fairchild (Moderater)
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Using Image Quality Metrics to Evaluate an ICC Printer Profile

(Interactive Paper Preview)Kristyn Falkenstern1,2, Nicolas Bonnier1,
Hans Brettel2, Marius Pedersen3, and Françoise Viénot4,5
1Océ Print Logic Technologies S.A. (France), 2Télécom ParisTech, LTCI CNRS (France), 3Gjøvik University College (Norway), 4Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France), and 5Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Collections (France) Download paper
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Appearance-based Image Splitting for HDR Displays

Dan Zhang, James A. Ferwerda, and Jonathan B. Phillips
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Scaling Lightness Perception and Differences Above and Below Diffuse White

(Interactive Paper Preview)Ping-Hsu Chen, Mark D. Fairchild,
and Roy S. Berns
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Ecological Valence and Human Color Preferences

Stephen E. Palmer and Karen B. Schloss
University of California Berkeley (USA)
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New Color Encoding Method and RGB Primaries for Ultrahigh-Definition Television (UHDTV)

(Interactive Paper Preview)Seo Young Choi, Ho Young Lee, Yun Tae Kim, Ji Young Hong, Du Sik Park, and Chang Yeong Kim
Samsung Electronics (South Korea)
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Measuring Anisotropic Light Scatter within Graphic Arts Papers for Modeling Optical Dot Gain

Kathrin Happel, Marius Walter, Philipp Urban, and Edgar Dörsam
Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
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Color Emotions from Two-Color Combinations with Various Area Ratios

(Interactive Paper Preview)Chanyang You and Youngshin Kwak
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea)
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Still Photography Throwdown: Silver Halide vs. Silicon

Mark D. Fairchild
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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The Rehabilitation of MaxRGB

(Interactive Paper Preview)Brian Funt and Lilong Shi
Simon Fraser University (Canada)
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Optimized Construction of ICC Profiles by Lattice Regression

Eric Garcia and Maya Gupta
University of Washington (USA)
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Evaluating CATs as Predictors of Observer Adjustments in Softcopy Fine Art Reproduction

(Interactive Paper Preview)Jun Jiang, Franziska Frey, and Susan Farnand
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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An Active Illumination Method for Tristimulus Image Display

Shoji Tominaga, Takahiko Horiuchi, and Akihiko Yoshimura
Chiba University (Japan)
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G0 Colorants

(Interactive Paper Preview)Rodney L. Heckaman and Roy S. Berns
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Perception of Lighting Errors in Image Compositing

James A. Ferwerda1, Jeremy Selan2 and Fabio Pellacini3
1Rochester Institute of Technology (USA), 2Cornell University and 3Dartmouth College (USA)
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Paper Whiteness and its Effect on Perceived Image Quality

(Interactive Paper Preview)Ludovic G. Coppel1,2, Ole Norberg2
and Siv Lindberg1
1Innventia AB and 2Mid Sweden University (Sweden)
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Experimental Characterization of a CMOS Pixel with a Tunable Color Space

G. Langfelder, C. Buffa, A. Longoni, and F. Zaraga
Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
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A Multiscale Analysis of the Touch-Up Problem

James A. Ferwerda, Suparna Kalghatgi, and Benjamin Darling
Rochester Institute of Technology (USA)
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Validation of Quality Attributes for Evaluation of Color Prints

(Interactive Paper Preview)Marius Pedersen1, Nicolas Bonnier2,
Jon Y. Hardeberg1, and Fritz Albregtsen3
1Gjøvik University College (Norway), 2Océ Print Logic Technologies S.A. (France), and 3University of Oslo (Norway) Download: Paper 1 | Paper 2

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Motion Picture Versioning by Gamut Mapping

Jürgen Stauder, Corinne Porée, Patrick Morvan, and Laurent Blondé
Technicolor Research & Innovation (France)
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Color Styling Tools

Clement Shimizu and Gary W. Meyer
University of Minnesota (USA)
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