Tag Archive for 'SD&A 2012'

Method and simulation to study 3D crosstalk perception [8288-30]

Darya Aleksandrovna Khaustova, Laurent Blondé, Quan Huynh-Thu, Cyril Vienne, Didier Doyen
Technicolor S.A., France
Published Manuscript

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Real-world stereoscopic performance in multiple-focal-planes displays: how far apart should the image planes be? [8288-51]

Simon J. Watt, Kevin J. MacKenzie, Louise C. Ryan
Bangor Univ., United Kingdom
Published Manuscript

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Reproducibility of crosstalk measurements on active glasses 3D LCD displays based on temporal characterization [8288-31]

Sylvain Tourancheau1, Kun Wang2,3, Lucjan Janowski3, Jaroslaw Bulat4, Kjell Brunnström2, Marcus Barkowsky5
1Mid Sweden Univ., 2Acreo AB and 3Mid Sweden Univ. Sweden, 4AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Poland, 5Polytech’ Nantes, France Published Manuscript

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Optimization of a multi-view system based on pulsed LED-LCD projectors [8288-53]

Achim Pross, Roland Blach, Matthias Bues, Roman Reichel, Oliver Stefani
Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, Germany
Published Manuscript

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Crosstalk and brightness in projection-based, multi-view systems [8288-32]

Roland Blach1, Achim Pross1, Alexander Kulik2, Oliver Stefani1
1Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, 2Bauhaus Univ. Weimar, Germany
Published Manuscript

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An eyeglass-like, eye-tracked, optical see-through, head-mounted display using freeform optics [8288-52]

Hong Hua
The Univ. of Arizona, United States

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Stereoscopic desktop VR system for tele-maintenance [8288-02]

Michael Kleiber
Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany
Published Manuscript

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How much crosstalk can be allowed in a stereoscopic system at various grey levels? [8288-33]

Sergey A. Shestak, Dae-Sik Kim
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Republic of Korea
Published Manuscript

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Case study: the introduction of stereoscopic games on the Sony PlayStation 3 [8288-38]

Ian H. Bickerstaff
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., United Kingdom

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Angle-sensitive pixels: a new paradigm for low-power, low-cost 2D and 3D sensing [8288-03]

Albert Wang, Sheila S. Hemami, Alyosha Molnar
Cornell Univ., United States
Published Manuscript

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Apparent stereo: the Cornsweet illusion can enhance perceived depth [8291-19]

Piotr Didyk1, Tobias Ritschel2, Elmar Eisemann2, Karol Myszkowski3, Hans-Peter Seidel3
1Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany, 2Telecom ParisTech, France, 3Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany

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Visual comfort: stereoscopic objects moving in the horizontal and mid-sagittal planes [8288-36]

Wa James Tam1, Filippo Speranza1, Carlos Vázquez1, Ron Renaud1, Namho Hur2
1Communications Research Ctr. Canada, Canada, 2Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea

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Polarizing aperture stereoscopic cinema camera [8288-04]

Lenny Lipton
United States
Published Manuscript

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Perceived depth of multi parallel, overlapping, transparent, stereoscopic surfaces [8291-20]

Saori Aida1, Koichi Shimono1, Wa James Tam2
1Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, 2Communications Research Ctr. Canada, Canada

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Computational Photography

William T. Freeman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Dual-pupil 3D imaging system through complementary multiband bandpass filters: modeling to reduce color rivalry and characterization of the depth range [8288-94]

Sam Youngsam Bae1, Allen Ream2, Ronald Korniski3, Michael Shearn3, Hrayr Shahinian4, Harish Manohara3
1Jet Propulsion Lab. and The Univ. of Southern California, 2Montana State Univ., 3Jet Propulsion Lab., 4Skull Base Institute, United States

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Diagnosing perceptual distortion present in group stereoscope viewing [8291-21]

Brice B. Pollock, Jonathan W. Kelly, Melissa M. Burton, Stephen B. Gilbert, Eliot Winer
Iowa State Univ., United States

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More Words and Bigger Pictures

David A. Forsyth
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States

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Unassisted 3D camera calibration [8288-06]

Kalin Atanassov, Vikas Ramachandra, Sergio Goma
Qualcomm Inc., United States
Published Manuscript

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Visual discomfort and the timing of vergence-accommodation conflicts [8288-34]

Joohwan Kim, David Kane, Martin S. Banks
Univ. of California, Berkeley, United States
Published Manuscript

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Auto convergence for stereoscopic 3D mobile cameras [8288-07]

Buyue Zhang, Sreeni Kothandaraman, Aziz Umit Batur
Texas Instruments Inc., United States
Published Manuscript

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Measuring 3D discomfort from vertical and torsional disparities in natural images [8291-22]

Christopher W. Tyler1, Lora T. Likova1, Kalin Atanassov1, Vikas Ramachandra2, Sergio Goma2
1The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, 1Qualcomm, United States

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Beyond parallax barriers: applying formal optimization methods to multi-layer automultiscopic displays [8288-08]

Douglas Lanman
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Published Manuscript

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Visual fatigue versus eye-movements [8288-35]

Cyril Vienne, Laurent Blondé, Didier Doyen
Technicolor S.A., France
Published Manuscript

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Implementation and analysis of an autostereoscopic display using multiple liquid crystal layers [8288-10]

Hironobu Gotoda
National Institute of Informatics (Japan)
Published Manuscript

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Stereoscopic 3D video games and their effects on engagement [8288-39]

Andrew Hogue, Bill Kapralos, Chris Zerebecki, Mina Tawadrous, Brodie Stanfield
Univ. of Ontario Institute Of Technology, Canada
Published Manuscript

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Focus mis-match detection in stereoscopic content [8288-12]

Frederic Devernay, Sergi Pujades, Vijay Ch.A.V.
INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France
Published Manuscript

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Stereoscopic display in a slot machine [8288-40]

Mikko Laakso
Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), Finland
Published Manuscript

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2D-to-3D image conversion: leveraging 3D data on the net [8288-13]

Janusz Konrad, Geoffrey Brown, Meng Wang, Prakash Ishwar
Boston Univ., United States
Published Manuscript

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YouDash3D: exploring stereoscopic 3D gaming for 3D movie theaters [8288-42]

Jonas Schild1, Sven Seele2; Maic Masuch3
1Univ. Duisburg-Essen, 2Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 3Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Published Manuscript

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3D cinema to 3DTV content adaptation [8288-14]

Didier Doyen, Lasith Yasakethu, Laurent Blondé, Quan Huynh-Thu
Technicolor S.A., France
Published Manuscript

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Thinking in z-space: flatness and spatial narrativity [8288-44]

Ray Zone
The 3-D Zone, United States
Published Manuscript

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Video retargeting for stereoscopic content under 3D viewing constraints [8288-83]

Christel Chamaret
Technicolor S.A., France
Published Manuscript

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Investigating the cross-compatibility of IR-controlled active shutter glasses [8288-49]

Andrew J. Woods, Jesse Helliwell
Curtin Univ., Australia
Published Manuscript

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Crosstalk reduces the amount of depth seen in 3D images of natural scenes [8288-29]

Inna Tsirlin, Robert S. Allison, Laurie M. Wilcox
York Univ., Canada
Published Manuscript

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New high-brightness interference filter developments [8288-50]

Helmut Jorke, Arnold Simon
Infitec GmbH, Germany
Published Manuscript

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