Tag Archive for 'IPC 2007'

Barker’s View of Plymouth and other early Topographical and Naval Panoramas

David Robinson
Bath, UK
Play (25min) Download: MOV | MP3

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A Time Travelling Panorama: The Battle of Trafalgar in a Robinson Crusoe Pantomime

Mimi Colligan
East Brighton, Australia
Play (22min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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In the Style of Daguerre: Two 19th C. American Showmen and Travelling Exhibitions of Chemical Dioramas

Suzanne Wray
New York, USA
Play (35min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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From London to Paris: A newly discovered Moving Toy Panorama

Ralph Hyde
London, UK
Play (27min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Effulgence of the North: An Arctic Panorama on View at the Velaslavasay Panorama in Los Angeles

Sara Velas
California, USA
Play (28min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Panoramas Down Under: Australian Panoramic Works in Progress

Jeffrey Morgan
Hawker, Australia
Play (36min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Trafalgar to Trafalgar: Journeys through time

Ian Wood
Devon, Britain
Play (4min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Taking the panoramic image beyond the computer screen: how modern techniques can bring new awe to old tricks

Aldo Hoeben
* Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ** Devon, Britain
Play (37min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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An introduction to panoramic photography

Aldo Hoeben* and Ian Wood**
* Rotterdam, The Netherlands, ** Devon, Britain
Play (96min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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Panorama from Rotterdam to the sea

Ronald Huynen
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Play (9min) Download:  MOV | MP3

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The Panoramic Collections Viewer

Martin Woolner
University of Plymouth, UK
Play (21min) Download:  MOV | MP3