Tag Archive for 'Annual Conference 2011'

Open access: engage or oppose?

Steven Hall
Managing Director, Institute of Physics Publishing

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Heading for the Open Road: Costs and benefits of transitions in scholarly communications

Daniel Hulls1, Michael Jubb2
1Director, Cambridge Economic Policy Associates, 2Director, Research Information Network

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What PEER is teaching us about Green OA

Chris Armbruster
Research Manager, PEER Project

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A Conversation with Annette Thomas

Annette Thomas1, David Worlock2 (Interviewer)
1CEO, Macmillan, 2Outsell, Inc.

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Evolution or Revolution: Changes in Peer Review

Adrian Mulligan
Deputy Director, Research and Academic Relations, Elsevier

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PLoS Innovations in Peer Review

Mark Patterson
Director of Publishing, Public Library of Science, European Office, Cambridge, UK

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Peer pressure at the Nature Publishing Group

Karl Ziemelis
Chief Physical Sciences Editor, Nature

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