Tag Archive for 'Howard Ratner'

Nature on iPad and iPhone

Euan Adie (Presented by Howard Ratner)
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ORCID, a universal ID for authors and contributors

Howard Ratner
CTO, Nature Publishing Group
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID)

Howard Ratner
Chief Technology Officer, Executive VP, Nature Publishing Group
Play (13min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Nature on Mobile

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group
Play (17min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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ORCID Update

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group
Play (21min) Download: MP4| MP3

ORCID Update

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group

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ORCID: An Open Registry of Scholarly IDs

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group

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From Discoverability to Actionability of Content

Howard Ratner
Chief Technology Officer, Executive Vice-President, Nature Publishing Group

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Howard Ratner

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