Tag Archive for 'APE 2012'

Integrated Publishing – New Opportunities for Scientific Publishers

Dr Sven Fund
Managing Director, De Gruyter, Berlin

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Wake-up Discussion: The End of the Semantic Web? The Internet of Things and Services

Arnoud de Kemp (Moderator)
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA GmbH, Heidelberg

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Tracing Tacit Knowledge: Practice and Promise of Journal Article Mining

Drs Eefke Smit1 and Drs Maurits van der Graaf2
1Director, STM, Amsterdam, 2Senior Consultant, Pleiade, Amsterdam

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Transforming the Way we publish Research

Dr Daniel Mietchen
EvoMRI Communications, Jena

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An Update on CrossMark and about ORCID: Toward Unambiguous Attribution of Scholarly Contributions

Geoffrey Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef, Lynnfield, MA

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User-side semantic Enrichment of Scholarly Content

Dr Steve Pettifer
School of Computer Science, University of Manchester

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Semantic Enrichment in an “Information as a Service” Model

Stefan Geißler
Managing Director, TEMIS Deutschland, Heidelberg

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ODE: Opportunities for Data Exchange – A Publisher Viewpoint on the Changes ahead

Drs Eefke Smit
Director, STM, Amsterdam

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Enabling the Transition of Existing Journals to Open Access

Prof Dr Bernard F. Schutz
Director, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Golm

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DataCite re-visited – Citing Data in the XXIst Century, at long last

Dr Jan Brase
Director, DataCite, University Hannover

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The Past, the Present and the Future of STM Publishing

Derk Haank
CEO, Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin

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PANGAEA – Research Data enters Scholarly Communication. Building an Infrastructure to publish and cite Data in the Earth and Environmental Sciences

Michael Diepenbroek
Managing Director, PANGAEA, Bremen

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Research and Innovation. From Web 2.0 to Science 2.0? The Potential of ICT to change the Modus of Science and Research

Prof Dr Jean-Claude Burgelman
Head of Unit DC.2: ERIAB, European Commission, Brussels

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Dryad: Scalable Infrastructure for coupling Research Data to Publications in the Life Sciences

Dr Todd J. Vision
Associate Professor of Biology , University of North Carolina, NC

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The Shape of Things to Come: how technology trends and market forces will change the structure of the STM publishing industry

Mark Ware
VP and Lead Analyst, Outsell, London

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One Publisher’s Journey through the Open Access Debate

Dr Fred Dylla
Ex. Director and CEO, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD

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Measuring and Managing Research OutcomesMeasuring and Managing Research Outcomes

Dr Nick Fowler
Director of Strategy, Elsevier, Amsterdam

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APE 2012 – Closing Panel

Dr Sven Fund (Chair)
Managing Director, De Gruyter, Berlin

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The Linked Content Coalition – a new approach to the management of copyright on the internet

Mark Bide
Director, EDItEUR, London

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Digital Reuse Rights in a fast-changing Publishing Environment: Users’ Demands and Licensing Options for Publishers

Kim Zwollo
General Manager, RightsDirect, Amsterdam

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Enhancing Publications with Research Data

Dr Peter Doorn
Director, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), KNAW, Amsterdam

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