Tag Archive for 'jatscon2015'

Collection-meta for JATS

Vincent Lizzi

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Announcing JATS Con-Asia

Soichi Tokiazane

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Turn JATS into container format

Martin Fenner

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Welcome and Introductions

Jeff Beck

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What anthologies most useful

Debbie Lapeyre and Mark Donoghue

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JATS Diversity—A Content Management Perspective

Evan Owens
Cenveo Publisher Services

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The Latest BITS

Jeff Beck

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Automating Complex High-Volume Technical Paper and Journal Article Page Composition with NLM XML and InDesign

Becky Fadik1, Brian Trombley2
1SAE International, 2Data Conversion Laboratory

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Open session NISO

Bruce Rosenblum
Inera, Inc

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The Public Knowledge Project XML Publishing Service and meTypeset: Don’t call it “Yet Another Word to JATS conversion kit”

Alex Garnett1, Juan Pablo Alperin1, John Willinsky2
1Simon Fraser University, 2Stanford University

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ScienceCentral JATS-based full-text database comprising

Sun Huh

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All Aboard! Round-tripping JATS in an HTML-based online CMS and editing platform

Wendell Piez
Piez Consulting Services

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A complete end-to-end publishing system based on JATS

Kaveh Bazargan
River Valley Technologies

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Creating JATS XML from Japanese language articles and automatic typesetting using XSLT

Hidehiko Nakanishi1, Toshiyuki Naganawa2, Soichi Tokizane3
1Nakanishi Printing Co. Ltd., 2Antenna House, Inc, 3University of Tokyo

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Smoke Screens of Impossibility

Bruce Rosenblum
Inera, Inc.

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Improving the reusability of JATS

Melissa Harrison

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Using BITS for Non-Standard Content

Dana Wheeles

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The Long Road to JATS

Paul Donohoe, Jenny Sherman and Ashwin Mistry
Macmillan Science and Scholarly

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Adapting JATS to support data citation

Daniel Mietchen
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin; NCBI/NLM/NIH

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JATS for Ejournals and BITS for Ebooks—Adopting BITS for Scholars Portal Ebook Repository

Wei Zhao, Ravit H. David, Sadia Khwaja and Qinqin Lin
OCUL—Scholars Portal

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Superimposing Business Rules on JATS

Tommie Usdin, Debbie Lapeyre and Carter Glass
Mulberry Technologies, Inc

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Building an Automated XML-Based Journal Production Workflow

Charles O’Connor, Stephen Haenel, Antony Gnanapiragasam, Michael Hepp and Tina Fleischer
Dartmouth Journal Services

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