XProc, or the XML Pipeline Language, has every potential to become one of the most useful new XML technologies around. The language has recently become a W3C Candidate Recommendation and is gathering growing interest in the XML community, both from the users and implementers.
Following the progress of the specification, and the evolution of the language to its present form, XProc has been successfully deployed in a dynamic content delivery platform, where it has quickly proved its strengths and established itself as the primary technology for XML data manipulations.
In this paper, we will briefly discuss the design principles behind XProc implementation and then proceed by illustrating how XProc can be leveraged in the XML content delivery context. We will present a number of use cases and show some XProc pipelines that can be used for implementing the relevant functionality. For each use case, we will start by formulating a relatively simple introductory scenario (usually with equally simple solution) to get the reader familiar with the problem – and to show that even the simplest XProc pipelines can provide us with enough power for our needs. After that, we move on to a more challenging scenario, which will require us to use more complex XProc pipelines.