Tag Archive for 'recon2015'

Re-thinking research with a view to impact: an academic perspective

Stephen Curry
Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College

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Moving beyond the impact factor, what changes are needed at the government, university and individual levels

Martin Fenner

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Capturing and understanding research impact on an international scale

Ian Viney
Director of Strategic Evaluation and Impact, Medical Research Council (MRC)

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Your research, anywhere.

Francesca Ayres

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Panel Discussion

Stephen Curry,Martin Fenner,Ian Viney
Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College,PLOS,Director of Strategic Evaluation and Impact, Medical Research Council (MRC)

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Beyond dead trees: publishing digital research objects

Scott Edmunds
Executive Editor, GigaScience

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Predicting the future of publishing

Arfon Smith
Chief Scientist, GitHub

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The Big Picture: Open Access content aggregators as drivers of impact

Stephanie Dawson
CEO, ScienceOpen

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Where data and journal content collide: what does it mean to publish your data

Peter Burnhill
Director, EDINA

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The Future is Open: Education in the digital age

Steve Wheeler
Professor of Learning Technologies, Plymouth University

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Seven Lessons: what we’ve learned from trying to measure impact

Euan Adie
CEO, Altmetric

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So where does the University Library fit in : Digital Research services at the University of St Andrews

Anna Clements
University of St Andrews

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Letting go of 350 years’ legacy – painful but essential

Kaveh Bazargan
Director, River Valley Technologies

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