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Metrics and Discovery – Q&A

Stephen Curry, Graham Walton & Laura Montgomery

Summary & Closing – Mark Carden

Mark Carden
Managing Consultant, Mosaic Search & Selection

FDMentor – Solutions and Guidelines for Universities

Kerstin Helbig

0302-Q and A

Dario Taraborelli Silvio Peroni Stephanie Dawson

Perpetual Access Machines: Archiving Web-Published Scholarship at Scale – Jefferson Bailey

Jefferson Bailey
Director, Web Archiving & Data Services, Internet Archive

Ten Challenges for Open Access Journals

Peter Suber
SPARC/Open Access News
Play (72min) Download: MP4 | MP3

RIN E-Journals Update

Dr. Ian Rowlands
University College, London
Play (33min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Concluding Keynote – Beyond Text and Tiffs: Progress and Prospects for Rich Media

Bill Kasdorf
Apex Content Solutions
Play (39min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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An Australian Perspective on Academic Publishing

Prof. Dr. Robin J Batterham
Rio Tinto Ltd., Melbourne
Play (24min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Closing Panel

Moderator: Dr. Herman P. Spruijt
International Publishers Association (IPA), Geneva
Play (30min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Keynote: One Scientist’s Wish List for STM Publishers

Philip Bourne
Editor-in-Chief, PloS Computational Biology
Play (67min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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How metadata management and webscale searching are addressing problems of making data discoverable.

Helle Lauridsen
Play (19min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Tracing the Emerging Open Access Landscape in Greece: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects

Victoria Tsoukala
the National Documentation Centre, EKT
Play (24min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3

Open Researcher Contributor ID (ORCID)

Reynold Guida
Director of eResearch Services, Thomon Reuters
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Lessons learned in social media

Grace Baynes
Corporate Public Relations, Nature Publishing Group
Play (21min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Digital Curation

Mike Furlough1 and Patrick Alexander2
1Assistant Dean for scholarly communications, 2Director, University Press
Play (42min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Scott Brandt
Associate Dean, Purdue University Libraries
Play (11min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Charles Watkinson
Director, University Press
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Play (31min) Download: MP4 | MP3

CrossRef 11th Annual Meeting

Ed Pentz
Executive Director
Play (15min) Download: MP4| MP3

All aboard the semantic bandwagon! – Now just hold on a minute…

Colin Batchelor
Senior Informatics Analyst, Royal Society of Chemistry
Play (20min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Your Brain on Computers

Matthew D. Richtel
2010 Putlizer Prize winner, The New York Times
Play (61min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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UNESCO’s open access strategy

Hezekiel Dlamini
Adviser, Communication and Information in East Africa, UNESCO
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Riding the Wave. How Europe can Gain from the Fising Tide of Scientific Data

Prof. Dr. John Wood
Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities, London
Play (57min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The Rational and Empirical Basis for Open-Access Initiatives

Prof. Dr. Stuart M. Shieber
Director, Office for Scholarly Communication, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, MA
Play (37min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Using PKP Platforms to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks

Alex Garnett
Play (18min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The gatekeeper is dead! Long live the gatekeeper! Or: What does filtering mean for scholarly communications in a web-based world?

Cameron Neylon
Science and Technology Facilities Council

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Analysis: Insights and Trends in the Global STM Market

David Bousfield, Ph.D.
Vice President & Lead Analyst, Outsell UK Ltd

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Consortia to consortia: The challenges and opportunities of the ALPSP Learned Journals Collection

Ian Russell

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ORCID: An Open Registry of Scholarly IDs

Howard Ratner
Nature Publishing Group

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Q & A


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Concurrent 1D: The Research Data Hot Potato: Who Preserves It?

Panel #1 : Linking with the Literature – the Arsenic Story

Scientific Reports from Nature Publishing Group

Sara Grimme

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Customer-Centric eBook Transition

Diane Harnish
Principal Consultant, DH Consulting

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Developing opportunities for the future: adapting to change

Jane Harvell
Head of Academic Services, University of Sussex Library

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Waiting for the Disruptive Change

Tony O’Rourke
Assistant Director, Head of Sales, IOP Publishing

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PLoS Innovations in Peer Review

Mark Patterson
Director of Publishing, Public Library of Science, European Office, Cambridge, UK

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The NHS perspective

Mr Mark Dayer
Consultant Cardiologist, Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust

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Tales of Drivers and Barriers to Data Sharing

Dr Hans Pfeiffenberger
Head of  Alfred Wegener Institute IT-infrastructure

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CrossRef Member Obligations (including Display Guidelines)

Carol Anne Meyer
Business Development and Marketing

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Challenges in eBook production

Bruce Rosenblum
CEO Inera Inc.

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Richard Kidd

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Transforming the Way we publish Research

Dr Daniel Mietchen
EvoMRI Communications, Jena

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ISNI – International Standard Name Identifier for Creators and Organisations

Janifer Gatenby
EMEA Program Manager Metadata, OCLC B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands

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So why hasn’t the journal changed more as a result of the internet?

Michael A Mabe
International Association of STM Publishers

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I Saw What You did and I Know Who You Are

Kevin Cohn
Vice President of Operations, Atypon

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How I Interact with Scientific Literature

William T. Jackson
PhD, Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Medical College of Wisconsin

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Top Tech Roundtable

Nash Pal (Moderater)

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Springer Open Goes Books

Bettina Goerner

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Alt metrics – a funder’s perspective

Kevin Dolby
Wellcome Trust

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Adding value to the collection in a world of free information: How do publishers producing paid-for content compete with free in the online reference world?

Robert Faber
Editorial Director, Reference/Director, Oxford University Press

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Global Academic Business & Book DOIs

Jess Lawson
Oxford University Press

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Cities on the Edge of Never: Life in the Trenches of the Web in 2012

Jason Scott
Archive Team

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What Article-Level Metrics can do for you

Martin Fenner
Technical Lead Article-Level Metrics PLoS, Public Library of Science

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Keynote 2: Licensing in an open access environment: the publishing view”

Deborah Dixon
VP, Publishing Director, Health Sciences, John Wiley

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Innovations in Open Peer Review and Data Sharing

Dr Rebecca Lawrence
F1000 Research, London

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Invited Overviews – Introduction

Dr H. Frederick Dylla (Chair)
American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD

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Beyond Traditional Articles – Mark Hahnel

Mark Hahnel

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The Business Case

Cameron Neylon

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Use of linked data for ebook discovery

Richard Wallis
Technology Evangelist, OCLC

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Panel Discussion – Open Information, Innovation & Communication: Making Publicly Funded Information Free


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Publishing Research Data: What’s in it for me?


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Closing Keynote: Building Community Engagement on Research Transparency and Data Citation

George Alter
ICPSR – Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Director

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Open Access in the Humanities and Social Sciences

David Ross

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A Connected Workflow for Semantic Enrichment

Daniel Mayer

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Deliver your content in context with MarkLogic Semantics

Matt Turner

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WILEY – Conversation in a Changing World

Helen Bray

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2012 Implementation of TaxPub, an NLM DTD extension for domain-specific markup in taxonomy, from the experience of a biodiversity publisher

Terence Catapano
Plazi, Bern, Switzerland & Columbia University, New York, NY

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NLM Conversion to Build “Atomic” Physics Content in an Agile Fashion

M. Scott Dineen
The Optical Society

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Session Two: Analytics, Tools & Technology

Jo Young, Ian Ritchie, Mark Hahnel, John Gilbey

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Engaging with the general public on research and the future of open access

Stephen Pinfield
University of Sheffield, UK

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Introduction and CrossRef Overview

Ed Pentz
Executive Director

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DOI Co-Access for Books

Mike Yalter
Software Developer

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Outcomes from Birds of Feather and Workshops

Melisssa Haendel

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Adapting JATS to support data citation

Daniel Mietchen
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin; NCBI/NLM/NIH

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Where data and journal content collide: what does it mean to publish your data

Peter Burnhill
Director, EDINA

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2014 Taylor & Francis and ALPSP survey of Learned Societies

William Frass
Senior Research Executive, Taylor & Francis

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The Dryad-case: Making research data integral to publication

Meredith Morovati
Executive Director, Dryad

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Let’s talk about scholarly manuscript submission

Richard Wynne

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Proto View a Ringgold service

Jean Brodahl
Ringgold, Inc

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Data wranglers in LibraryLand: Finding opportunities in the changing policy landscape

T. Scott Plutchak
University of Alabama Birmingham

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The Elsevier API program

Ale De Vries

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New Tools and Workflows for Manuscript Submission and Peer Review

John Inglis

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Transfer: Tracking Journals Moving Between Publishers

Heather Staines

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How can the “swing trench” inform OA publishing? – Discussion

Robert Kiley, Peter Binfield, Rebecca Kennison, Dan Morgan

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Opening Remarks by SSP President Howard Ratner 2…

Howard Ratner

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Research Involvement and Engagement: Partnership with patients in a new publication

Daniel Shanahan
BioMed Central

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The Future of Scholarship in a Digital Age?

Jonathan Gray
Open Knowledge

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Wanted – an Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication (Geoffrey Bilder)

Geoffrey Bilder

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Open Access Policies in Europe: an Overview of Science Europe Members

Stephan Kuster
Head of Policy Affairs, Science Europe, Brussels

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Where Does the Buck Stop? Research Ethics and Publishing (Richard Van Noorden)

Richard Van Noorden
Deputy News Editor, Nature, Springer Nature, London

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Getting an Octopus into a String Bag – The complexity of communicating with the research community across a higher education institution

Dr Danny Kingsley Download slides Head of Scholarly Communication, The University of Cambridge

Resource Identification Initiative

Anita Bandrowski

Phenopackets: Making phenotype profiles fair++ for disease Diagnosis and Discovery

Melissa Haendel Oregon Health & Science University

Propelled by Force: Software Citation

Arfon Smith, Dan Katz, Kyle Niemeyer

Research Ideas and Outcomes

Daniel Mietchen Founding Editor RIO Journal

JATS Open Session


Citations needed for the sum of all human knowledge: Wikidata as the missing link between scholarly publishing and linked open data

Dario Taraborelli
Head of Research, Wikimedia

An overview of PubMed Central’s (PMC) inter-agency public access efforts

Kathryn Funk
Program Specialist, PubMed Central, NLM

Publons: New ways to recognize Peer Review

Andrew Preston

Open Access Policies and Science Europe Member Organisations: State of Play

Amanda Crowfoot
Director, Science Europe, Brussels

Is our Industry in good Shape?

Michael Mabe
CEO STM, The Hague/Oxford

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