Tag Archive for 'APE 2011'
Stephen Boume
Chief Executive, Cambridge University Press
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Dr. Anke Beck
Senior Vice President Pubishing, De Gruyter Berlin
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Matthias Kaun
Head, East Asia Department, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
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Adam Marshall
Gourp Head of Marketing and Customer Services, Portland Press, London
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Arnoud de Kemp
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Prof. Michael Mabe
CEO, International Association of STM Publishers, The Hague and Oxford
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Victor Henning
Co-founder and CEO, Mendeley, London
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Prof. Dr. John Wood
Secretary General, Association of Commonwealth Universities, London
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Kevin Cohn
Vice President of Operations, Atypon, Santa Clara
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Prof. Dr. J.J. (Jos) Engelen
President, Governing Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), The Hague
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Prof. Dr. Stuart M. Shieber
Director, Office for Scholarly Communication, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, MA
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Dr. Adrian Mulligan & Dr. Andrew Plume
Research & Academic Relations, Elsevier, Oxford
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Mrs. Bettina Goerner
Manager Open Access, Springer Science+Business Media, Heidelberg
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Dr. Bernd Pulverer
Head of Scientific Publications at EMBO and Chief Editor of the EMBO Journal, Heidelberg
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Dr. Caroline Sutton
President, OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association)
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Herbert Gruttemeier
Immediate Past President, ICSTI and Head of International Relations, INIST-CNRS, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
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Dr. Mark Patterson
Director of Publishing, Public Library of Science (PLoS), Cambridge
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Mrs. Eefke Smit
Director, Standards and Technology, International Association of STM Publishers
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Prof. Dr. Paola Dubini
Director, Art Science Knowledge (ASK) Research Center, Università Bocconi, Milano
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Dr. Jan Brase
Chairman, International DOI Foundation and Managing Director, DataCite, German National Library of Science and Technology, Hannover
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H. Frederick Dylla
Executive Director & CEO, American Institute of Physics, College Park
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Dr. Malte Dreyer
Head, Research and Development, Max Planck Digital Library, Munich
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Herbert Gruttemeier, Mrs. Eefke Smit, Dr. Jan Brase & Dr. Malte Dreyer
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Prof. Dr. Werner Kuhn
Director, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster
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Dr. Matthias Wahls
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