Tag Archive for 'UKSG 2012'

So why hasn’t the journal changed more as a result of the internet?

Michael A Mabe
International Association of STM Publishers

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The emotional consequences of the idealisation of the elderly married academic librarian (male) by the elderly unmarried academic librarian (female) – a study

Stephen Buck
Dublin City University

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Q & A – Refocusing Our Future

Tony Kidd (Chair)
University of Glasgow

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Q & A – The Evolving Library

Kate Price (Chair)
University of Surrey

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UKSG 2012 – Opening of the Conference

Tony Kidd
Chair, UKSG

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Responses and Questions

Richard Gedye (Chair)

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Welcome from Glasgow City Council

Cllr Bob Winter
Lord Provost

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Tribute to John Merriman

Tony Kidd
Chair, UKSG

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Greetings from NASIG

Steve Shadle
President, NASIG

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The transformation is already here – it’s just unevenly distributed

Cameron Neylon
Science in the Open

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Sharing – the foundation of social institutions

Stephen Abram
Gale Cengage Learning

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Autosubversive practices in academic publishing

Martin Paul Eve
University of Sussex

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The web-scale library – a global approach

Marshall Breeding
Vanderbilt University

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Data-driven library infrastructure: a national perspective

Ben Showers

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On data and publications: who does what

Kevin Ashley
Digital Curation Centre

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Developing usage as a new metric: progress on the Journal Usage Factor

Jayne Marks
Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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JUSP: JISC’s Journal Usage Statistics Portal

Ross MacIntyre
The University of Manchester

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An evidence-based approach to engaging healthcare users in a journals review project

Anne Murphy
Adelaide and Meath Hospital

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The Peer Project: investigating the effects of Green Open Access

Julia M Wallace
The PEER Project

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Value and outcomes of scholarly library resources

Carol Tenopir
University of Tennessee

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