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Online Submissions Tools as a Vital Part of Growing Service Ecosystem

Ian Potter
Thomson-Reuters/Scholar One

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Mike Taylor
Elsevier Labs

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Open Access – Improving Returns of Public Investment into Research. A perspective from Germany

Prof. Dr Karl Ulrich Mayer
President, Leibniz Association, Berlin

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Improving Research Efficiency through User and Content Fingerprinting

Kevin Cohn
Atypon Inc., New York

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Open Data – Brian Hole

Brian Hole
Ubiquity Press

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Panel: The Business Case

Session Organizers: Cameron Neylon and Anita de Waard

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Text and Data Mining

Alistair Tebbit
Reed Elsevier

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Media: Digital or Death?

Bill Jamieson
Scot-buzz SPKAFFILIATION The Scotsman

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Purdue University Research Repository (PURR)

Michael Witt
Purdue University, Interdisciplinary Research Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Science

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Developing Open Access Policy Positions for Science Europe

Georg Botz
Science Europe

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Meet OASPA’s Members – MDPI

Dietrich Rordorf

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Through the Looking Glass

Alistair McNaught

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Wearable Computers: Future Fix-All or Fashion Faux Pas?

Heather Ruland Staines

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Evolutionary Chaos and the Road Ahead

Laura Kelly

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JATS and NISO — the value of community standardization

Todd Carpenter
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)

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The future of academic publishing: continuity or discontinuity?

Stephen Pinfield
Sheffield University School of Information Studies and former CIO, Nottingham University

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Keynote: Open Access Journals in Latin America

Abel Packer

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Opening up scientific information in Horizon 2020 and beyond

Celina Ramjoue

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CrossMark & FundRef

Kirsty Meddings
Product Manager

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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665)

Pip Willcox
Bodlian Libraries, University of Oxford

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Signposting the Scholarly Web

Herbert Van de Sompel
Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Announcing JATS Con-Asia

Soichi Tokiazane

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Re-thinking research with a view to impact: an academic perspective

Stephen Curry
Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College

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Going to Tender: Choosing your Publisher

Kathey Alexander
Consultant in Professional and Scholarly Publishing

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A researcher’s perspective: The value of web-based collaboration platforms.

Reese McKay
Department of Psychiatry, Yale University & Olin Neuropsychiatric Research Center, Institute of Living

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Zero Clicks Away: Full-Text Access at the Point of Discovery

Jennifer Kane
Reprints Desk

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DDA, DRM, ILL- Oh my! Building a Better eBook Model-Business Strategy

Katy Gabrio
Macalester College

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Keynote: The New Big Picture A Discussion with Ken Auletta…

Ken Auletta
The New Yorker

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Creating Secure and Strategic Publishing Partnerships

Ashley Petrylak
Oxford University Press

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The Outlook for M&A in Scholarly Publishing

David Lamb

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Why Can’t I Find my Content in the Library’s Discovery Service?

Bruce Heterick

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The Challenges of Compliance – Discussion

Rob Johnson, David Crotty, Judith Russell, Roy Kaufman, Rob Johnson

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JATS4R: Let’s standardise the way we’re tagging our content to enhance reusability

Sustaining central funds for Open Access publications

Margo Bargheer
University Press Goettingen

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COASP 2015 – Closing remarks

Caroline Sutton
Co-Action Publishing

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Introduction to The APE Lecture – The History of Academic Publishing since 1500 up today

Dr. Herman P. Spruijt
Past President, International Publishers Association (IPA), Leersum

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Where Does the Buck Stop? Research Ethics and Publishing (Dr. Peter Gölitz)

Dr. Peter Gölitz
Editor-in-Chief, “Angewandte Chemie”, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

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R2R 2016 – Welcome and Introduction

Mark Carden Mosaic Search & Selection

Considering the Sociology of Research – How research scientists actually behave as individuals and in groups

James Evans Professor, University of Chicago

The impact of Brazil’s virtual herbarium in e-Science

Dora Ann Lange Canhos Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental, Campinas, Brazil

Annotating All Knowledge Working Group

Dan Whaley

Q & A Concurrent session: Altmetrics and my career: real barriers or limitations of our minds?

Integrate to Innovate: Using Standards to Push Content Forward

Angela Cochran

Seven principles of design

Rebecca Kaye Data visualisation specialist, NumberTelling

Pawel Jancz Data developer specialist, NumberTelling

The Open Access Model in Latin America

Arianna Becerril
Technology and Innovation Director, Redalyc

Credit where Credit is Due: Acknowledging all Types of Contributions

Melissa Haendel
Associate Professor, Oregon Health & Science University and FORCE11

The future of peer review is 25 years ago… but no-one seems to have noticed


Preprints as a Complement to our Journal System

Dr. Jessica Polka
Director, ASAPbio, Cambridge, MA

‘The Scholarly Kitchen’ live in Berlin What’s Hot and What’s Cooking in Scholarly Publishing?

Kent Anderson
CEO, RedLink, Westborough, MA

It’s not easy being Green – Panel Discussion

Alicia Wise
Director of Access & Policy, Elsevier

Friends, Foes or Frenemies – Panel Discussion

Rick Anderson, Robert Harington, Danny Kingsley, Mark Thorley & Alexander Ross

Scholarship in the Global South and the Open Access: a study of India

Harinder Pal Singh Kalra

Sharing Factual Knowledge from Research in Film and Media Studies by using the Structured Knowledge Base Wikidata

Claudia Müller-Birn, Adelheid Heftberger, Jackob Höper, and Niels-Oliver Walkowski

Reflections after 20 years of working in open infrastructure – Rachel Bruce

Rachel Bruce
Head of Open Research, UKRI

Using open competitions to drive innovation and collaboration – Ian Mulvany

Ian Mulvany
SAGE Publishing

Tapping the full potential of the eBook market – Springer’s MyCopy

Brian Bishop
Springer Science + Business Media
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Presentation of Reports from the Parallel Breakout Sessions

OASPA 2009
Play (22min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Thinking Outside the Book

Cynthia Cleto
Springer Science+Business Media
Play (15min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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CrossRef Contributor ID

Geoffrey Bilder
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Access by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Professional and Academic Information

Mark Ware
Mark Ware Consulting, Bristol
Play (32min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Challenges for Journals in the Social Sciences & Humanities

Sarah Phibbs
Journals Publishing Director, Wiley-Blackwell
Play (32min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Inviting Silicon Valley through the academic publishing door

Jason Hoyt
Research Director at
Play (28min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Establishing an Institutional OA Publishing Fund: The UC Berkeley Experience

Chuck Eckman
Director of Collections for the UC Berkeley Library
Play (34min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3

Open, free, or hybrid? Open access at the BMJ Group

Trish Groves
Executive Editor of the British Medical Journal
Play (40min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3


Ed Pentz
Executive Director, CrossRef
Play (15min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Beyond Topic: How Readers Choose which Article to Read

Carol Tenopir
University of Tennessee
Play (38min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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Keynote: Digital preservation in the ERAB/ESFRI landscape

John Wood
Imperial College, London
Play (62min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Transparency in Funding Sources

H. Frederick Dylla
American Institute of Physics
Play (8min) Download: MP4| MP3

I-dent know? Identifiers from the publisher’s perspective

Mark Majurey
Taylor & Francis Books
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Mendeley, by the numbers

Ian Mulvany
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Panel discussion: Institutional experiences of open access

Rosemary Otando, Ina Smith, Eve Gray, Carrie Calder
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

DataCite – Improving Access to Research data From the Perspective of Libraries

Dr. Jan Brase
Chairman, International DOI Foundation and Managing Director, DataCite, German National Library of Science and Technology, Hannover
Play (19min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Complementary Article Dissemination via Journals and Repositories: Economic Evidenc from the PEER Project

Prof. Dr. Paola Dubini
Director, Art Science Knowledge (ASK) Research Center, Università Bocconi, Milano
Play (19min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Supporting Active Reading, Just-in-Time Reading, and Reading Avoidance (Use Cases)

Jodi Schneider
Play (12min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Opening up bibliographic data

Download: MP4 | MP3

Over the past few years there has been an explosive growth in open data with significant uptake in government, research and elsewhere. Bibliographic records are a key part of our shared cultural heritage. They too should therefore be open, that is, made available to the public for access and reuse under an open licence which permits use and reuse without restriction (http://opendefinition. org/). Doing this promises a variety of benefits. First, it would allow libraries and other managers of bibliographic data to share records more efficiently and improve quality more rapidly through better, easier feedback. Second, through increased innovation in bibliographic services and applications generating benefits for the producers and users of bibliographic data and the wider community.

This talk will cover the what, why and how of open bibliographic data, drawing on direct recent experience such as the development of the Open Biblio Principles and the work of the Bibliographica and JISC OpenBib projects to make the three million records of the British Library’s British National Bibliography (BNB) into linked open data. With a growing number of Government agencies and public institutions making data open, is it now time for the publishing and library community to do likewise?

RUFUS POLLOCK is a Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow, an Associate of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law at the University of Cambridge and a Director of the Open Knowledge Foundation which he co-founded in 2004. He has worked extensively as a scholar and developer on the social, legal and technological issues related to the creation and sharing of knowledge.

An introduction on the digital reading industry

Steve Burrows
Digital Reading Europe team within Sony Europe

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Free Open Software: an Untapped Resource for the Small Publisher

Brian Owen
Public Knowledge Project

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Talk by Todd Carpenter

Todd Carpenter
National Information Standards Organization

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Q & A


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Concurrent 3C: EPUB3: The Next Generation Delivery Format (Not Just for Books!)

Introduction from the Conference Chair

Paul Peters
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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ALPSP 2011 – Opening remarks

Sarah Durrant
Chief Executive, ALPSP

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Microsoft Academic Search: Next-Generation Scholarly Discovery

Lee Dirks
Director for Education & Scholarly Communication, Microsoft Research Connections

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Plenary 1: Waiting for Disruptive Change

Tweets, Avatars, Tags and Blogs: Collecting, Communicating and Visualising Social Media

Andrew Hudson-Smith
Director Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London

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Digital Preservation What Why Which When With?

Prof. Keith Jeffery
Chair of APA Executive Board

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Theory and practice in Authenticity

Prof. Silvio Salza and Prof Mariella Guercio

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APA 2011 – Welcome

Dr David Giaretta
Director APA

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System Update 2011

Chuck Koscher
Director of Technology

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Outsourcing and Offshoring – latest developments

Frank Stumpf (Moderator)
Consultant and Board Advisor

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Creating Wonderland- SAGE and the Provision of Accessible Content

Huw Alexander
Rights & Digital Sales Manager

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One Publisher’s Journey through the Open Access Debate

Dr Fred Dylla
Ex. Director and CEO, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD

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Welcome from Glasgow City Council

Cllr Bob Winter
Lord Provost

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Tribute to John Merriman

Tony Kidd
Chair, UKSG

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Semantic MEDLINE

Thomas C. Rindflesch
Cognitive Science Branch, National Library of Medicine

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Beyond the e-book

David Ball
Head of Academic Development Services, Bournemouth University

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PEER Achievements and Executive Partner reflections

PEER Executive

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Article Processing Charges (APC)

Donna Okubo
Public Library of Science

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Athabasca University Press

Kathy Killoh
Athabasca University Press

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Billing: How it works

Lisa Hart
Associate Director of Finance and Operations

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