Tag Archive for 'UKSG 2011'

Buying by the bucketful: a comparative study of how e-book bundles are used

Terry Bucknell
University of Liverpool

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Unlocking the four doors to sustainable change

Brad R Meyer
Collaboration Ltd

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The gatekeeper is dead! Long live the gatekeeper! Or: What does filtering mean for scholarly communications in a web-based world?

Cameron Neylon
Science and Technology Facilities Council

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Access to scholarly content: gaps and barriers to access (key findings)

Ian Rowlands
CIBER Research Group, University College London

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The dynamics of improving access to research papers

Mark Ware
Mark Ware Consulting

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Barriers to an exclusively electronic journal environment

Laura Cox
Frontline GMS Ltd

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Collections 2021: the future of the collection is not a collection

Rick Anderson
University of Utah

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Opening up bibliographic data

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Over the past few years there has been an explosive growth in open data with significant uptake in government, research and elsewhere. Bibliographic records are a key part of our shared cultural heritage. They too should therefore be open, that is, made available to the public for access and reuse under an open licence which permits use and reuse without restriction (http://opendefinition. org/). Doing this promises a variety of benefits. First, it would allow libraries and other managers of bibliographic data to share records more efficiently and improve quality more rapidly through better, easier feedback. Second, through increased innovation in bibliographic services and applications generating benefits for the producers and users of bibliographic data and the wider community.

This talk will cover the what, why and how of open bibliographic data, drawing on direct recent experience such as the development of the Open Biblio Principles and the work of the Bibliographica and JISC OpenBib projects to make the three million records of the British Library’s British National Bibliography (BNB) into linked open data. With a growing number of Government agencies and public institutions making data open, is it now time for the publishing and library community to do likewise?

RUFUS POLLOCK is a Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow, an Associate of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law at the University of Cambridge and a Director of the Open Knowledge Foundation which he co-founded in 2004. He has worked extensively as a scholar and developer on the social, legal and technological issues related to the creation and sharing of knowledge.

Digital research, analog publishing: one scientist’s view

Philip E Bourne
University of California, San Diego

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The research workflow revolution: the impact of Web 2.0 and emerging social networking tools on research workflow

Bill Russell
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd

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Open, social and linked – a ménage à trois of content exploitation

Andy Powell

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