We will give the first presentation of the findings of this Research Information Network project conducted by Cambridge Economic Policy Associates in association with Mark Ware Consulting. The project aims to improve understanding of the transitions needed to improve access to research articles by modelling and comparing the costs and benefits associated with a series of scenarios, together with the drivers and mechanisms underlying the transitions. The scenarios describe potentially plausible ways to improve access over a five-year period via five possible routes: open access journals (Gold OA); open access repositories (Green OA); delayed access; extensions to licensing; and transactional solutions (such as payper- view).
MARK WARE is a publishing consultant working in the STM and B2B sectors. Prior to establishing his own consulting practice in 2003, his most recent positions were as Director at Ingenta, exploring the development of a new online CME/CPD platform; as Executive Director of the Healthcare division of CMP Information; and as Publishing Director, IOP Publishing (the publishing division of the Institute of Physics).