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OA2020: Building Capacity for the Transformation

Dr. Ralf Schimmer
Director, Product, AAAS/Science, Washington, DC


Dr. Andre Gaul

The moral vacuum of modern medical and scientific publishing: Is there a solution?

Dr. Richard Horton
Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet, London

Intermediaries & Subscriptions – Q&A

Rick Anderson, Michael Jubb & Richard Fisher

Workshop E Feedback

Phill Jones
Director of Publishing Innovation, Digital Science

OpenCitations: structured open citation data as a part of the Commons

Silvio Peroni

ASK us (almost) anything

Christina Riesenweber and Martin fenner

COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI citations – Ivan Heibi

Ivan Heibi, Silvio Peroni, David Shotton
University of Bologna,

Opening Remarks from the Conference Chair

Paul Peters
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Play (6min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Research4Life – OARE working in Kenya

Introduced by Michael Mabe
Play (8min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The New POD ‘Publishing On-Demand’: Harnessing On-demand JIT Book Manufacturing for Publishing Success

Suzanne Wilson-Higgins
Ingram Content Group
Play (40min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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Using and Communicating Knowledge: a Researcher Perspective

Michael Jubb
Research Information Network (RIN), London
Play (35min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Google & Friends? The New World of Digital Libraries. Questions and Implications

Moderator: Jens Bammel
International Publishers Association (IPA), Geneva
Play (126min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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The World is Open, Not Flat

William Park
CEO, DeepDyve
Play (27min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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The SUDAMIH Project: Developing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities – requirements and attitudes

James Wilson
University of Oxford
Play (23min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Specifics of Open Access Publishing and Retrodigitization in Mathematics: An Experience from DML-CZ and EuDML Projects

Petr Sojka
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Play (28min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3

What’s yours is ours: The social and political landscape of scholarly publishing in the US

Steve Breckler
Executive Director Science Directorate, American Psychological Association
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Putting your customers to work. Social media: building a collaborative business.

Melinda Kenneway
Director, TBI Communications Ltd
Play (28min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Ed Pentz
Executive Director, CrossRef
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Adam Farquhar
The head of Digital Library Technology, British Library
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Neil Beagrie
Consultant, Dryad project
Play (30min) Download: MP4 | MP3
Play (24min) Download: MP4 | MP3

CrossRef Financial Review

Linda Beebe
Treasurer, CrossRef Board of Directors
Play (9min) Download: MP4| MP3

Ensuring Content Flexibility – Challenging in Newspaper Media Monitoring

Tim Saulter
Product Marketing Manager, Newspaper Licensing Agency
Play (22min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Richard Kidd
Royal Society of Chemistry
Play (5min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Case study of an open access journal

Prof. Judith Kimiywe
Head of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University and AJFAND journal
Play (15min) Download: MP4 | MP3

How open access to research can strategically benefit African universities

Eve Gray
University of Cape Town
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Transparent Peer Review

Dr. Bernd Pulverer
Head of Scientific Publications at EMBO and Chief Editor of the EMBO Journal, Heidelberg
Play (30min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Structure of the Workshop -Model of science as activity

Gully APC Burns, Anita de Waard, Eduard Hovy, Cameron Neylon, Paul Groth, Bourne Corpus
Play (29min) Download: MP4 | MP3

The research workflow revolution: the impact of Web 2.0 and emerging social networking tools on research workflow

Bill Russell
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd

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Open Data at The World Bank: moving away from a subscription model

Soong Sup Lee
Senior Information Officer, The World Bank

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Developing Best Practices for Supplemental Materials

Linda Beebe
American Psychological Association

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Free Open Software: An Untapped Resource for the Small Publisher: Introduction

Kaveh Bazargan
River Valley Technologies

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Q & A

Concurrent 1C: At the Cutting Edge: A Series of Start-ups

Keynote – SOLO 2011

Michael Nielsen
Open Science

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COASP 2011 – Morning Keynote Address

Michael Jubb

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Who Knows Best? Academic library book collections development in transition

Vivian Berghahn
MD Berghahn Books

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Research data and scholarly publications: Going from casual acquaintances to something more

Todd Vision
Associate Professor of Biology, The University of North Carolina

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Publishing innovations in Korea

Choon Shil Lee
Professor of Library & Information Science, Sookmyung Women’s University

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Open access: engage or oppose?

Steven Hall
Managing Director, Institute of Physics Publishing

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Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation

Dr Dinesh Katre
CDAC, Pune, India

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Integrating Data & Publications

Dr Eefke Smit
Director of Standards & Technology (Intl. Assoc. of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers

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UKSG Nov Conference 2011 – Question Time

David Sommer (Chair)
Director, David Sommer Consulting

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EPUB3: Not Your Father’s EPUB

Bill Kasdorf
General Editor of The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing and Vice President of Apex Content Solutions

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Time Travel for the Scholarly Web

Herbert Van de Sompel
Staff Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Integrated Publishing – New Opportunities for Scientific Publishers

Dr Sven Fund
Managing Director, De Gruyter, Berlin

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Creating a Scholarly Universe: The Importance of Asserting a Researcher’s Identity

Mike Taylor
Elsevier Labs Research

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Value and outcomes of scholarly library resources

Carol Tenopir
University of Tennessee

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Introduction – STM Seminar: Medical Publishing 2012

Peter Ashman
BMJ Group, Programme Director

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Meet Tim: The Professor and Journal Editor

Timothy L. Grove
PhD, Professor of Geology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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What’s Next for Mobile

Marty Picco

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PEER Research – Introduction

Dr Chris Armbruster
Research Manager, PEER

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Metrics – an OA publisher’s perspective

Matt Cockerill
BioMed Central

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The discovered collection: The impact of discovery services on the usage and exploitation of collections

Andrew Barker
Head of Library Academic Services, University of East Anglia

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Books Interest Group Report – Carol Anne Meyer

Carol Anne Meyer
Business Development and Marketing

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Strategic Initiatives Update

Geoff Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives

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Opening Keynote: Hack Yourself, the power of personal data

Adriana Lukas
Founder, Quantified Self, London

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STM Fact Seminar No.1

Roy Kaufman
Managing Director, New Ventures, Copyright Clearance Center

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Innovations for Open Sharing at eLife

Ian Mulvany
eLife, Cambridge

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Closing Panel: The Communication of Information – Q & A

Dr Rick Borchelt (Chair)
National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

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Citizen Science – Simone Severini

Simone Severini

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Peter Brantley

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UCL Ebooks 2013 – Panel Session

David Ball and John Akeroyd (Chairs)

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MOOCs and Textbooks: Future Competitors or Complementors?

Mark Lester
Open University

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eBooks and Apps


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Laurel Haak
ORCID, Executive Director

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The University of Adelaide Press

John Emerson
Adelaide University

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What’s New in Semantic Enrichment

Jess Lawson
OUP Oxford Index

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How nutritious is that workflow API

Richard Wynne
VP Sales and Marketing, Aries Systems Corporation

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Conversations and Content Marketing in STM Publishing

Tom Reller

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From Markup to Linked Data: Mapping NISO JATS v1.0 to RDF using the SPAR (Semantic Publishing and Referencing) Ontologies

David Shotton
University of Oxford

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Extending JATS to include the NISO/NFAIS Recommended Practices for Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials

Karen Gutzman1, Kimberly A. Tryka2
1. National Library of Medicine; 2. NCBI, National Library of Medicine

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Session One: Access – Open Publishing in a Digital World

Graham Steel, Timo Hannay, Jan Velterop, Michelle Brook

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Open Access journal publishing in Africa: Similarities and differences from the rest of the world

Susan Murray
African Journals OnLine, AJOL

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COASP 2014: Closing remarks

Mark Patterson
Director of Knowledge Societies Division, UNESCO

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Support Update and Multiple Resolution Overview

Patricia Feeney
Product Support Manager

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Libraries at Scale: Global Partnerships and Scholarly Access

Sarah Thomas
Vice President Harvard Library, Harvard University

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The Long Road to JATS

Paul Donohoe, Jenny Sherman and Ashwin Mistry
Macmillan Science and Scholarly

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The Big Picture: Open Access content aggregators as drivers of impact

Stephanie Dawson
CEO, ScienceOpen

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2nd session Q&A

Maureen Naff
Director, Author & Partner Marketing and Services, Springer

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Keynote: Why data are not publications: Potential potholes for STM publishers

Prof.Christine Borgman
Professor & Presidential Chair in Information Studies

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Using ORCID Identifiers in Researcher Reputation Management Systems

Laurel Haak
Executive Director, ORCID

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Problem-Identifying Authoritative social Media

Patricia Sabosik
ACI Information Group

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What is Digital Science?

Caitlin Trasande
Digital Science

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APIs in Scholarly Publishing – It’s a Marketing Thing

Chuck Hemenway
Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

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Peer J-Workflow Philosophy

Peter Binfield

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Beyond authorship

Amy Brand

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The Reckoning: Analysis of Wellcome Trust OA spend 2013-14

Robert Kiley

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Great Idea – Now How Do We Do It? Collaborating to Implement Innovation

Laura Rici

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Progressive roads to OA – Q&A

Jan Erik Frantsvag, Jennifer Hansen, Pierre Mounier
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Gates Foundation, OpenEdition

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Springer’s high-impact off-setting model – experiences so far

Juliane Ritt
Springer Nature

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And what about Research Data?

Matthias Razum
Head E-Science, FIZ Karlsruhe, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

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Introduction to the panel – Policies and Reputation

Dr. Anke Beck (Chair)
President Publishing, De Gruyter, Berlin

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Panel: Policing Science or Science Police? An Open Discussion on the Role of Journals in Research Ethics

Dr. Bernd Pulverer (Moderator)
Chief Editor, Head of Scientific Publications, The EMBO Jounal, Heidelberg

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Seeing Open Access Processes More Clearly – Mapping the life cycle of open access for publishers, researchers and libraries

Graham Stone Download slides Information Resources Manager, University of Huddersfield

Q&A: Show me the Money

Crowdsourced human genetics: What if we put people first?

Bastian Greshake openSNP

Concurrent Session: Starting off on the right foot with Data Management

Co-chairs: Rebecca Boyles and Danny Kingsley

Understanding the needs of scholars in a contemporary publishing environment

Maria Bonn Editor Journal of Electronic Publishing, Sr Lecturer University of Illinois

JATSKit: An oXygen framework for JATS, BITS, and kindred XML formats

Wendell Piez
Piez Consulting

From open access to open science: why the paper of the future will be data-driven

Alberto Pepe
Founder/CEO, Authorea

Research data: from journal policy to practice

Amye Kenall
Global Head of Life Sciences, Springer Nature

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