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Translating Open Science ideals to actions for scientists

Xiaoli Chen, Robin Dasler, Suenje Dallmeier-Tiessen, and Sebastian Feger

Code publication and peer review – Erika Pastrana

Erika Pastrana
Editorial Director, Springer Nature—Nature Research

The Economics of Open Access Scholarly Publishing

Branwen Hide
Research Information Network
Play (34min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Open Access Payment Mechanisms: One Publisher’s Perspective

Carrie Calder
BioMed Central
Play (20min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Recent developments in XML workflows

Kevin Cohn*, Aviva Weinstein**
* Atypon ** Oxford University Press
Play (25min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGV | MP3

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Keynote – Beyond online newspapers. How technology can open up newspapers, create global audiences and renew a commercial model in decline. GNM: a work in progress

Mike Bracken
The Guardian News and Media
Play (59min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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SNIP – A New Metric for a New Era

Dr. Henk Moed
University of Leiden
Play (35min) Download: MP4 | MP3

Digging into Data: Electronic publications in Archaeology

Michael Charno, Prof. Julian Richards
Archaeology Data Service
Play (39min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Keynote: Beyond Topical Relevance: How Scholars Choose Articles to Read

Suzie Allard
School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee
Play (67min) Download:  MP4 | MP3

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Interactive Open Access Publishing and Public Peer Review

Ulrich Pöschl
Chief Executive Editor of Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics
Play (29min) Download: FLV | MOV | OGG | MP3

Your fate in their handhelds: will eReaders be famous for five minutes or reformat publishing forever?

Linda Bennett
Gold Leaf
Play (18min) Download: MP4 | MP3

What is the future of The Textbook?

Clancy Marshall
General Manager of DynamicBooks, MacMillan
Play (31min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Supporting social scientists in the iResearch Age

Paul Thompson
Director, Centre for Corpus Research, University of Birmingham
Play (21min) Download:  MP4| MP3

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AV archive user requirements and challenges on infrastructure

Rajitha Weerakkody
Play (23min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Publishing Data alongside Analysis: a case study from OECD

Toby Green
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Play (18min) Download: MP4| MP3

Addressing the Discontinuity between doing research and disseminating research

Prof. Philip E. Bourne
Pharmacology UCSD, and Editor-in-Chief of PloS Computational Biology
Play (25min) Download: MP4 | MP3

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Introduction – Sense about Science: Debating Peer Review

David A. Ruth

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Experiences of publishing: local vs. international journals

Prof. Mary Abukutsa-Onyango
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Play (42min) Download: MP4 | MP3

East meets West: practical Problems, practical Solutions

Stephen Boume
Chief Executive, Cambridge University Press
Play (31min) Download: MP4 | MP3

What scientists think about Open Access Publishing today

Simon Lambert
Play (34min) Download: MP4 | MP3

From Claim to Fact: A Small Use Case in Scientific Fact Making, Using the Bourne Corpus

De Waard
Play (26min) Download: MP4 | MP3

David Martinsen: Strategic Integration of Article Content: Managing Supplemental Materials

David Martinsen
ACS Publications, Senior Scientist, Web Strategy and Innovation

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The adoption of e-book lending in libraries and schools

Johanna Brinton
Business Development Executive, OverDrive Ltd

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Content Enrichment – A publishers perspective

Jason Markos
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Information Overload – Reaching Readers in a State of Distraction: Introduction

Jocelyn Dawson
Duke University Press

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Managing Supplemental Content: Practical Advice for Publishers and Researchers: Introduction

Bill Kasdorf
Apex Content Solutions

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Concurrent 5A: Digging for Treasure: New Developments in Textmining and Datamining


Dave Ross

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Ebook licensing

Ed Colleran
Senior Director, International Division, Copyright Clearance Center

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What did the Romans ever do for us?

Simon Ross
Global Journals Director, Cambridge University Press

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Parallel 2 (a): Social media and the Scholarly record

EPUB 3.0 Overview

Graham Bell
The Chief Data Architect, EDItEUR

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Activities in the KB and The Netherlands

Barbara Sierman

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PARSE.Insight and APARSEN – Reaching a Common Vision for digital preservation research

Dr David Giaretta
Director APA

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Getting our act together? Shared service developments in HE libraries

Anne Bell1, Liam Earney2
1SCONUL Shared Services Steering Group, 2Head of Licensing, JISC Collections

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Strategic Initiatives Update

Geoff Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives

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Article Evolution

Graham McCann

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Research and Innovation. From Web 2.0 to Science 2.0? The Potential of ICT to change the Modus of Science and Research

Prof Dr Jean-Claude Burgelman
Head of Unit DC.2: ERIAB, European Commission, Brussels

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An Update on CrossMark and about ORCID: Toward Unambiguous Attribution of Scholarly Contributions

Geoffrey Bilder
Director of Strategic Initiatives, CrossRef, Lynnfield, MA

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On data and publications: who does what

Kevin Ashley
Digital Curation Centre

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Plenary Session 3 – Informed Decisions

True Automated Page Composition Process

Diane Needham

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Ereaders and Epublishing for online learning

Dr Steven Warburton
University of London International Programmes

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PEER: Building on the findings from PEER

Dr Chris Armbruster
Research Manager, STM

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Funding model for Open Access Books: Example of a Research Funder

Doris Haslinger
FWF Austrian Science Fund

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PEER Update

Julia Wallace
Iglooe Consulting, Project Manager, PEER

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Simple Text Query Reference Deposit Processing and extyles refxpress

Jon Stark
Software Developer

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CrossRef in Brazil

Edilson Damasio
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM, Eduem

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Fourth Panel

Snowball Metrics: global standards for institutional benchmarking

Lisa Colledge

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Source Data – Towards Next Generation Open Access

Dr Thomas Lemberger
EMBO, Heidelberg

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Closing Panel: Alice Meadows – WILEY

Alice Meadows
Wiley, Maiden, MA

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Rigour and Open Access – Linda Atkinson

Catriona Cannon and Linda Atkinson
The Bodleian

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Alternative Peer Review – Ciaran O’Neill

Ciaran O’Neill
BioMed Central

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Delivering Chemistry to our mobile audience

Will Russell
Royal Society of Chemistry

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Prospect, a text mining initiative from CrossRef

Ed Pentz

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Altmetrics beyond the Numbers


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Business Practices Working Group

Karen Morgenroth
NRC Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI), Lead of DataCite Business Practice Working group

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Why and How We as Leaders of the OA Community Should Work Together

Elizabeth Marincola

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Marketing and Communications for OA Journals

Matthew Cockerill

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Actionable Data – the Wolfram Approach

Matthew Day
Wolfram Research

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Elliot Lack
APP Studio Product Manager

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Living in a World of Book Tagging

Wendell Piez
Piez Consulting Services

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Transforming JATS XML for mobile-optimized consumption

Mitra Ahadpour1, Atul Ganatra2, Adam B. Lee2
1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); 2. IQ Solutions

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The JISC e-textbook project

David Ball
David Ball Consulting & JISC Collections

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Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges

Kai Karin Geschuhn
Max Planck Society

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Open Access: A challenge for learned societies

Agnès Henri
EDP Sciences

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bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology

Richard Sever
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

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True or False? Transparency, Validation and Reproducibility of Research in Scholarly Communication

Session Chairs: Tim Clark and Melissa Haendel

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The Public Knowledge Project XML Publishing Service and meTypeset: Don’t call it “Yet Another Word to JATS conversion kit”

Alex Garnett1, Juan Pablo Alperin1, John Willinsky2
1Simon Fraser University, 2Stanford University

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ScienceCentral JATS-based full-text database comprising

Sun Huh

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Pursuing Sustainability: Societies with Meaningful Missions

Diane Scott-Lichter
Vice President, American College of Physicians

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STM Report 2015: A Taster

Michael Mabe
Chief Executive Officer, STM Association

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Meeting wrap-up & close

Eefke Smit
STM Association

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Michael Hepp
Dartmouth Journal Services

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Mary C. Francis
University of California Press

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The Evaluation Gap: Using Altmetrics to Meet Changing Researcher needs: An Institutional Perspective

Cassidy Sugimoto
Indiana University

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Liblisher or Pubrary: The Future Publishing Professionals

Sarah Lippincott
Library Publishing Coaltion

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Improving the Openness, Integrity, and Reproducibility of Scientific Research

Sara Bowman

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Accessing Usability

Toby Plewak

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Beyond Market Research: Getting from Insight to Product Solutions

Bill Deluise

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Keynote: ‘What can history teach us about the future of academic publishing?’

Aileen Fyfe
University of St.Andrews

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Scientific ecosystems and research reproducibility

Marcus Munafo
University of Bristol

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The German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures – Status and Perspectives

Sabine Brünger-Weilandt
President and CEO, FIZ Karlsruhe, the Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure

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Dryad – Quality content

Meredith Morovati
Executive Director, Dryad, Durham, NC

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Wake-up Session: Can the ‘Academic Sharing Economy’ add Value to the Scholarly Ecosystem?

Show me the Money (Rick Anderson)

Rick Anderson Associate Dean, University of Utah

R2R 2016 Summary & Closing

From bits to narratives: The rapid evolution of data visualization engines

Cesar A. Hidalgo Associate Professor, The MIT Media Lab, MIT

Resource Identification Technical Specifications

Julie McMurray, John Deck

Costs and benefits of open data in biomedical research

Irene Pasquetto UCLA

Challenges in implementing a multi-lingual JATS publishing workflow

Chandi Perera
Typefi Systems

COASP 2016 – Welcome by Mark Patterson

Mark Patterson
Executive Director, eLife

COASP 2016 – Q&A – Panel 4: Open Scholarship Initiatives


Peer Review Poetry

Sam Illingworth and Dan Simpson

Peer Review: Openness, Experimentation and Integrity

Rachel Burley
Publishing Director, BioMed Central, Springer Nature, London

Are we Worshiping false Gods? The Journey from Excellence to Innovation

Melinda Kenneway
Executive Director, Kudos, Oxford

Room at the Top – It’s Good for Business – Q&A

Chair: Dr. Liz Marchant, Dr. Patricia Gabaldon, Alice Meadows

Zen and the Art of Research Assessment – Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry
Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College London

The Rise of the User – Jan Reichelt

Jan Reichelt
Co-founder, Mendeley

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