Readers’ brains are changing rapidly in response to the fast pace of our digital environment. How should publishers’ research tools and content reflect this new reality? How do we give readers what they want, where they want it, in easily digestible bites? What are the pros and cons of producing content for shortening attention spans? Panelists will share future-oriented perspectives addressing cognitive science, research methods, and publishing approaches. This session will be of particular interest to readers of Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains.
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- JATS-Con 2013(4)
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- SOAP Symposium 2011
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- Annual Conference 2010
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- E-Production Seminar 2010
- E-Production Seminar 2011
- ►E-Production Seminar 2012
- E-Production Seminar 2013
- FACT Seminar 2013
- FACT Seminar No.2 2013
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- Innovations Seminar 2010
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- ►Innovations Seminar 2012
- Innovations Seminar 2013
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