The prime illusion: Modern holography in the age of digital media

M. Richardson
De Montfort University, UK
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As we move into the digital epoch the prime illusion, holography, waits patently to further a vision in Art that may be traced back to the invention of perspective by Italian architect, Filippo Brunelleschi, in the middle of the fifteenth century. As physics explores our quantum universe it conspires the development of a holistic theory. Indeed, some scientists have even suggested that the universe may be compared to one giant hologram as the information of the whole exists in every constituent part; each particle containing all of the information pertaining to everything that exists or ever will exist. Quantum holography combined with powerful computing technology forms digital-holography, a modelling tool that helps explain and “un-lock” baffling forces such as gravity, the very glue that binds our atoms together and even the big bang theory. A holographic theory interestingly endorsed by cults including the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), founded by the astronaut Edgar Mitchell who walked on the moon with Al Shepard during NASA’s 14th Apollo mission. However as we shall see, the holographic principle itself is a spectacular tool of deception and arguably the most advanced form of technological visual deception to date, certainly one of the most intriguing.