This panel will feature implementors of the SVG specification on a variety of user agents, from desktop to mobile, from toolkits to libraries to authoring tools. The format is a moderated question-and-answer session, with both prepared topics and audience participation. The panel will begin with an introduction by each panelist, who will talk about their company or organization, give a brief overview of their implementation, and talk about their role in the project. This panel will focus on the technical issues of the implementations, issues of market and distribution, plans for future development, and a variety of other topics that will provide the audience with a good sense of the current state of SVG implementations, and will provide an opportunity for dialog between different implementors with different use cases.
The list of participating panelists is not yet settled, but we are aiming for a comprehensive array of people. There will be a general call for participation from implementors, with inclusion based on market relevance and breadth of scope for the panel as a whole.