Mike Robinson has a Bachelors and Doctorate in Physics from the University of Oxford; completing the latter in 1986. After two years as a ‘post-doc’ at Oxford University, he moved to Boulder and became a Research Assistant Professor at Colorado University between 1988-1990 where he worked on Optical Computing Systems. Returning to Oxford, he worked for seven years at Sharp Laboratories of Europe where he specialized in digital projectors, only to return again to Boulder in 1998 to join ColorLink, a University of Colorado seeded company that developed and manufactured retarder based polarization filters. At ColorLink he was responsible for projection TV systems, patenting several system and device designs that were eventually commercialized by JVC, Sony, Hitachi and others. ColorLink was bought by RealD three and a half years ago. As Chief Scientist of RealD, his primary responsibility is in the development of consumer display technologies such as 3D TVs, but is also involved in many other aspects of 3D technology including stereoscopic capture.
See also:
Other presentations at the 2011 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference.