Integrating content to aid discoverability: why we put all our eggs in one basket

Roheena Anand
Publisher (Books), Royal Society of Chemistry
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Getting your existing or potential customers to use your content is only half the battle: they have to find it first! RSC Publishing has launched a powerful new integrated content delivery platform providing over 165 years of world-class RSC-hosted journal, book and database content. The platform was developed in close collaboration with the user community over the course of eighteen months, with further development being dictated by user feedback and necessity. One search provides results from both primary and secondary content, with journal usage driving book discovery and vice versa. This has put books in the midst of RSC’s content portfolio, with the emphasis being firmly on chapters vs book titles. With all content also searchable by structure and substructure thanks to ChemSpider, there are many new routes to discover content from RSC books!