Holography, art, and science – a course of study at Irvine Valley College, California, USA

James D. Trolinger
Metrolaser Inc., USA
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Holography is one of the rare scientific discoveries that provided a medium for art. As a result, many interesting and unique relationships formed between scientists and artists fostering new ways of looking at both science and art. Since its invention (1948) and reinvention (early sixties) holography experienced multiple false starts, and we can only guess its future course. To date embossed holography stands out as a killer application while many other potential applications still remain as great challenges as well as opportunities. This paper describes a course of study called “Holography, art and science,” beginning in the Fall of 2006 at the Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California. The objective of the course is to provide students with graphical knowledge that will allow them to comprehend the fundamental science behind holography as well as to appreciate, enjoy, and judge holograms and holographic art. We will consider the course successful if students become more active participants in any way in the fields of holography or art. The course will be taught with little or no mathematics and will have laboratories in which all students will produce the various kinds of holograms.