Edizione con LaTeX delle opere di Francesco Maurolico

Massimiliano Dominici, Pier Daniele Napolitani
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The Project Maurolico was born some years ago with the aim of publishing, in print and electronic versions of the critical edition of the works of Francesco Maurolico (1494-1575). As part of this project was a system, MAURO-TeX which, with a language of mark-up type LaTeX allows, through the use of special tools, to obtain an output html for publication on the Internet and a standard LaTeX output format as an intermediate to pdf and postscript. MAURO-TeX is undergoing profound transformation. On one side is moving towards the xml the part for encoding text, the other starting the printed publication of the works is an opportunity for a thorough review of the macro used by the intermediate format to generate LaTeX output pdf and postscript.