Direct fringe imaging of diffraction specific coherent panoramagrams in photorefractive polymer for updatable three-dimensional holographic display

Sundeep Jolly
Media Lab, United States

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Progress in the development of an updatable holographic display system based around the direct transfer of computer-generated holographic fringe patterns from LCoS SLMs into photorefractive polymeric materials is presented. This architecture is poised as a simplifying alternative to previous demonstrations of updatable holographic displays in photorefractive polymeric materials based around conventional interference-based holographic stereogram techniques. Our system concept — comprised of fringe pattern generation on computer, fringe pattern transfer from SLM to photorefractive polymer, and spatial multiplexing for large-image generation — reintroduces accommodation cues to the resulting holographic images and represents a reduction of system footprint, complexity, and cost relative to the current interference-based systems. We present the adaptation of our diffraction specific coherent panoramagram fringe computation method — originally developed to drive AOM-based holographic displays at video rates while preserving all depth cues, including accommodation — to the current display architecture and depict methods for direct fringe transfer from SLM to photorefractive polymer. Preliminary results of horizontal parallax-only images on this display are presented and directions for performance improvements and system extensions are explored.