Digital Hologram Generation for A Real 3d Object Using by a Depth Camera

Dr SeungHyun Lee
KwangWoon University, South Korea

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In general, a 3D computer graphic model is being used to generate a digital hologram as the input information because the 3D information of an object can be extracted from a 3D model easily. The 3D information of a real scene can be extracted by using a depth camera. The depth camera is based on the Time of Flight (TOF) principle using photon gating techniques. The basic feature incorporates real time depth imaging by capturing the shape of a light-pulse front as it is reflected from a three dimensional object. The 3D information, point cloud, corresponding to the real scene, is extracted from taken image pairs, a gray texture and a depth map by a depth camera. The extracted point cloud is used to generate a digital hologram as input information. The digital hologram is generated by using the coherent holographic stereogram(CS), which is a fast digital hologram generation algorithm based on the segmentation of the fringe pattern and the Fraunhofer diffraction. The generated digital hologram using the taken image pairs by a depth camera is reconstructed and compared to the Fresnel approximation. The experimental results are satisfactory.