The AutOMathic Blocks system has been designed to teach arithmetic and beginning algebra to young blind students using Braille labeled manipulative blocks. The system allows the learner to build, manipulate and solve problems using blocks which contain simple Braille code. This allows the learner to read their math problems with their finger and to understand the two–dimensional mature of math.
Unfortunately, the teaching of Braille to children has waned in the recent past based on the belief that Braille will be no longer useful in our electronic future. Many do not subscribe to this premise. To achieve a higher level of Braille skills, the AutOMathic blocs system can be used to teach both literary and math Braille in a self–learning environment.
With an attached refreshable Braille device, the student can not only set up their own exercises using the manipulative Braille blocks, but also get instant Braille output of the text being studied. In this way, the stuent could set up math problems and have the problem also delivered by the appropriate Braille code. The same would be true of learning literary Braille.