Increasingly mathematical, scientific and technical information is being distributed by electronic means, but having a high–quality paper printout remains important. I will show examples of techniques that are available for having both high–quality typesetting, in particular of mathematics, as well as useful navigation features and text–extraction within electronic documents.
For HTML, some examples will be shown of the use of jsMath within webpages for mathematics journals and for conference abstracts. With PDF, as well as the usual bookmarks and internal hyperlinks for cross–references and citations, advanced features include: (i) Metadata attachments; (ii) copy/paste and searching for mathematical symbols or the underlying TeX coding; (iii) popup images of (floating) figures and tables; (iv) mathematical symbols within bookmarks; (v) bookmarks for cross-referenced locations.
A further feature, particularly useful with mathematics papers, is the ability to make batched searches of the American Math. Society’s MathSciNet database, allowing hyperlinks to be generated for most bibliography entries.