Frank Sander is General Manager of the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL). With his team at MPDL, the central digital library of the Max Planck Society, he ensures availability of digital scientific information and related information infrastructure services to the scientists at the Max Planck Institutes worldwide. Before MPDL, he has collected over 10 years of experience in software development and IT management, as executive board member and as strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company. He holds a PhD in physics and worked scientifically with Ted Hänsch at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics. His various memberships include the steering board of the Alliance of German Science Organisations’ Priority Initiative Digital Information, the programme committee of the Berlin Open Access conference series, the Elsevier Library Advisory Board and the Review Board of the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Science.
- ▼Conferences
- ►Free software
- ►Graphics
- ►Holography
- ►Literature
- ►Mathematics
- ►Medicine
- ▼Publishing
- ALPSP 2010
- ALPSP 2011
- APA 2010
- APA 2011
- ►APE
- Atypon User Conference 2012
- AUB 2014
- Beyond the PDF 2011
- Beyond the PDF2 2013
- ►CrossRef
- DataCite 2013
- Force 2015
- Force 2016
- Force 2017
- Force 2019
- JATS-Con 2012
- JATS-Con 2013(4)
- JATS-Con 2015
- JATS-Con 2016
- Open Access Africa 2010
- PEER Conference 2012
- PubConf 2013
- PubConf 2014
- R2R 2016
- ReCon 2015
- ReCon 2016
- Rigour and Openness 2013
- Science Online London 2011
- SOAP Symposium 2011
- SpotOn 2016
- SpotOn London 2012
- ►SSP 2011
- SSP 2015
- ▼STM
- Annual Conference 2009
- Annual Conference 2010
- Annual Conference 2011
- Annual Conference 2012
- Annual US Conference 2015
- Beyond Books 2010
- E-Book 2.03 2009
- E-Production Seminar 2009
- E-Production Seminar 2010
- E-Production Seminar 2011
- ►E-Production Seminar 2012
- E-Production Seminar 2013
- FACT Seminar 2013
- FACT Seminar No.2 2013
- Frankfurt Conference 2013
- Innovations Seminar 2009
- Innovations Seminar 2010
- Innovations Seminar 2011
- ►Innovations Seminar 2012
- Innovations Seminar 2013
- Innovations Seminar UK 2012
- Medical Publishing 2012
- Spring Conference 2010
- Spring Conference 2011
- Spring Conference 2012
- UKSG 2011
- ►UKSG 2012
- UKSG NOV 2011
- UKSG One Day Conference 2012
- Unique IDs 2012
- ►Science
- ▼Text
- ►Typography
- Uncategorized
- ►Video tutorials