There has been a lot of recent discussion in the media about the potential dangers of 3DTVs and 3D Movies – and yet stereoscopes have been with us for over 150 years, 3D movies for over 50 years, and 3D viewing is also widely used in industry. 3DTV is, however, transitioning from a special event to a 24/7 experience and becoming available to a wider demographic. Where is the truth in the concerns being expressed, where are the falsehoods, and where are the gaps in our knowledge? The panelists gave their views on this important topic.
Panel Moderator:
Lenny Lipton, CTO, Oculus 3D
Panel Members:
Marty Banks, University of California Berkeley
Eli Peli, Schepens Eye Research Institute
Christopher Riemann, MD, Cincinnati Eye Institute
Pete Ludé, Senior Vice President, Engineering, Sony Electronics
See also:
Other presentations at the 2011 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference.